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26th October 2016, 19:29
Ok. I might as well ask for help for the last 5 I have to solve. They are:
17. Being only partly dressed, pretty girl's liable to become flustered (10)
33. Expert takes a look at the programme of entertainment for the showman ... (7,4)
73. .... And she's furious with the boy - sacking will emerge! (7)
78. Tenant moved here from Acton (8,4)
81. Exclusion for returning cricketer getting a pair (5)
There has been a clue for 81 earlier saying something about think cricket item. The only word I can think of with two letters together is 'balls' but don't think that is the answer?

Any help much appreciated please & thanks.
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26th October 2016, 20:18
Junebug: the answer I have for no. 25 is another name for part of the knees but no idea if this is right or not! Think you gave been given clues for 42 and 99?
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26th October 2016, 20:37
Thank you Haermai18
I have those now
and possibly P*****as for 25
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26th October 2016, 20:39
You are welcome junebug. Are you able to help me with any of my queries requested under 311 ?
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26th October 2016, 20:56
I think the following are correct ,,,,
17 D ending D
33 B ending O , B ending L
73 H ending N (another word for sacking)
78 A novel by A.... B... is W....... H...
81 T ending in O

Hope this helps. Say if not clearer.
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26th October 2016, 21:02
Worked out no.73 thanks. Will have a think about the other ones before I ask for any more help.
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seamus, ayrshire

26th October 2016, 21:10
@ junebug & haeremai18: I think you'll find that 17 ends in E not D
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27th October 2016, 08:27
Thanks Seamus but still can't get no. 17. Any more cryptic clues please? The only other one I now can't get is no.81 beginning with T and ending in O. To do with cricket - completely stumped me - ha! Ha!
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27th October 2016, 08:32
Junebug - please see my comment to Seamus. Still can't solve 17 and 81. ??????? Any more cryptic clues please ??????
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27th October 2016, 09:25
17 Def is 'only partly dressed' from the French
You need a rather old-fashioned word for a pretty girl followed by a five-letter anagram

81 'A pair' is scoring two ducks after the returning cricketer.
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