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27th October 2016, 17:03
Haeremai, this forum is here all year round - not just for the Rainbow Quizzes! Pop in any time - to give help, get help, discuss crosswords...
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27th October 2016, 17:04
Hi haeremai18 re 77. It is not c....r cos that is not a 'bar'. the answer is s....n.
Hairdresser's place of work with an o (empty) inserted ,which gives you the name of a type of bar found in a pub.
PS My biopsy results are through and I am 'A' OK !! xx
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27th October 2016, 17:13
Hi again,thought Ihad finished but now have anothet query with 100. I have b--- t---,but now a fiend has B---H---being a cemetery or last resting place. Any ideas please?
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27th October 2016, 17:30
Thanks Winnie. Brilliant news about your biopsy results. So pleased for you. I am mending too, albeit slowly, but much better than I was. Have you finished the quiz? I have and wait to see what score I get this time. Never got 100% yet but who cares - I do it to keep the old grey matter alive and this time so pleased to see that the charity is Prostate Cancer which hubby is doing well with. I did ask Neville a couple of years ago if he would consider this charity and he said he would see what he could do! X
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27th October 2016, 17:32
Can you tell me what other quizzes etc there are to do please.
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27th October 2016, 17:41
Hi haeremai18 - I am very relieved by my results, hope you and your hubby both come through OK too. I asked Neville, to some time, choose Mcmillan nurses - and bless him he did. Yes I have finished the quiz, but I keep on watching to check my answers! I'll look out for you next time round.
re 100 (was is sunny who asked?) b... t... is correct. Last as in shoe holder when repairs are being done, not as end or final. Look up 'snob' in Chambers.
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27th October 2016, 18:48

Has a monthly round up of charity quizzes.
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28th October 2016, 09:33
What is this obsession with hairdressers?
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28th October 2016, 15:48
Thanks Winnie. Have now posted my entry so had better not look any more in case some other ideas come up from forum members which differ to mine! Keep well and hear from you next time - the Christmas Quiz maybe? X
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seamus, ayrshire

28th October 2016, 17:29
I've still got eight to find, but I'm getting closer. I even got my 84 year old neighbour to help with some!
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