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27th October 2016, 09:26
Sorry, six-letter anagram
321 of 367  -   Report This Post


27th October 2016, 09:53
junebug 25 is a Latin plural so no s on the end
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27th October 2016, 11:47
can anyone give me an extra clue for no 25 Agirl goes to the head on her knees (8)
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27th October 2016, 12:01
Thanks Seamus,I got the same answer from Lady Bees clue,better than my original
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27th October 2016, 12:05
Yes Junebug,Piffle is quite right,although you can have as on the end it doesnt quite fit the clue of what is required
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seamus, ayrshire

27th October 2016, 12:56
For 25, take the Latin word for father and remove the last letter. You now have a word which means "head". Then put a four letter girl's name inside. The whole word is related to knees.

I don't think I can make it any easier without giving you the answer.
326 of 367  -   Report This Post


27th October 2016, 13:17
Many thanks to everyone for your help. Mission accomplished! The only one I am not 100% sure of and I know there has already been discussions on this, is no.77 - Bar empty room (6). I have the word beginning with C and ending in R whereas most others think it starts with S and ends in N. This word less an O is more like a hairdressers whereas the one I have is a room in or under a bar? Any further thoughts anyone???
327 of 367  -   Report This Post

seamus, ayrshire

27th October 2016, 13:30


27th October 2016, 13:46
Thank you .
329 of 367  -   Report This Post


27th October 2016, 16:59
Thanks Seamus. Think you could be right! Will change my answer, write a cheque and pop it in the post. See you next time and many thanks again for your help.
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