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3rd April 2010, 11:59
78 travel = anagram
80 try google
95 slang

Still nowhere with 99. Nothing to date has convinced me.
291 of 435  -   Report This Post


3rd April 2010, 12:01
Boobun -

No.78. 'travel' suggests anagram which it is of two small words. Again Chambers has the word which is an unusual one.

No.80. How would you abbreviate Special Constable + a word for tears

No.95. Heard suggests a similar sounding word and endlessly without the last letter. The whole answer is a slang term for a cigarette.
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3rd April 2010, 12:12
Thank you both for your great clues. Penny has dropped for 95 so will now work on the other 2 and like everyone else 99!
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3rd April 2010, 13:21
Im a new visitor to this site -- what a wealth of information to be found !! I have come in rather late and only need two, I have looked at your clues and find Im still none the wiser !! Please help with 44. An old standard one is about right in court ( I thought of cornet but Im sure thats not it !!) 66....for one who shines as a horse-tamer ( I have googled as instructed but to no avail) Please help !!
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3rd April 2010, 16:31
Nonna - well done for 44.

What are your thoughts for 99?
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3rd April 2010, 21:47
Nonna google horse tamer and you will get it. As Badger asked anything on 99?
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3rd April 2010, 21:49
Badger 4 I am the same, just can't think what it can be.....both Rufus and Palman seem so sure that they have the answer but I don't think they have the same. Wretched thing whatever it is!
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3rd April 2010, 21:57
Nonna Horse tamers is what you should google
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3rd April 2010, 22:44
Twinsnan - agreed! Nothing I have seen (or thought of) so far has convinced me. This is obviously the make or break clue.
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4th April 2010, 15:53
Many thanks for your kind replies - I have, at last, got 66 !!! Im still not convinced about my answer to 44 as it is the cone that is the container and a cornet is an ice cream filled cone - it will have to do until something better comes to mind !!! As for 99, I have got keepnet and intend to stick with it as it follows the clue specifically. The other answers I have seen do not !!! My opinion only !!! Happy Easter !!!
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