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2nd April 2010, 12:58
No.58. It's really there in the clue. Another simple word for everything. Around due. Double meaning. Around implying anagram and around, written around. You'll probably find it's an unusual word but Chambers will reveal the explanation.
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2nd April 2010, 13:24
Finally, the penny has dropped re 73. I'd forgotten someone, somewhere a long time ago had hinted that the birds were in the chicken family. Could have saved myself a lot of agonising.
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2nd April 2010, 13:59
Mountainman thanks for clue for 27. Ig had first word but not sure of second so hopefully is the obvious one.
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2nd April 2010, 20:06
Thanks to everyone. We have really enjoyed the quiz and of course it is for a really good cause. Couldn't have finished without the help we found here, so thanks again. See you all again when the next one comes around.
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2nd April 2010, 21:00
even with all the previous clues,I am still struggling so can anyone
give me some more clues for no
8,14,19,73,99 Thanks

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2nd April 2010, 22:23
Gwinearman 8 anagram of another word for halt plus 2nd of August 14 Go back through all the answers here and there are plenty of clues to me on this one 19 A card game or an American truncheon 73 This took me a long time...concentrate on order returns but you'll have to find the word in Chambers, not a common word at all 99 Still stuck on this, loads of hints about it from different quizsters. My only other one to solve is 84 which I had wrong, again one of my forum friends has given me clues, will try to get it done over the weekend if I get a chance.
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2nd April 2010, 22:59
Palman Still stuck on 84 although you have put wonderfully clear instructions Obviously put money on isn't bet as you have written that word in your clue, have tried play, so many other words.....anything that 'sounds like' or any other crumbs of help you can throw at me?
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3rd April 2010, 09:49
Twinsnan.You ---- a horse to win a race.Then E for English.Then T as final letter of Test.Unusual word I had not heard it in this context before,but it is in Chambers.Good luck.
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3rd April 2010, 10:07
Still struggling with 78,80 and 95. Any clues appreciated.
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3rd April 2010, 11:55
Palman Have only just read your last hint after I returned from the reference library...had realised overnight what it must begin with and there it was in Chambers. So, thanks again for steering me in the right direction, it really was so obvious if only I'd read the question properly. Now for that wretched 99
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