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2nd April 2010, 10:36
Can anyone offer a clue for 100.
Finally, Natalie, with envy, say, could run away with the postholder.?
Many thanks in advance and Happy Easter to all
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2nd April 2010, 11:02
Bobbin - what comes through your door every day holding your letters. They've made the clue more complicated than it need be. Finally Natalie - last letter + envy if you say it out loud?? and if you go off to Gretna to get married, you.....

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2nd April 2010, 11:14
Boobun - 34.If everything goes wrong that possibly can, it's a complete disaster, it's a..... I believe it's an Italian word for a bottle/flask

40. the second word is a common word to refer to TV. The first word contains a small anagram and begins with what critics do to a bad play, etc. The whole thing refers to, I think, a Greek mythological woman who released all the troubles of the world.

One I'm struggling with is No.73. Apparently it begins with an'order' but I've tried all the ones i can think of without any success. Have you done this one?
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2nd April 2010, 11:45
27. First word is anagram of 2nd word of clue. That should also lead to rest of answer.
73. Order of Merit plus another word for bird.

Still looking for any help on 49.
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2nd April 2010, 11:45
Many thanks. 73 word for order is 2 letters then followed by plural of type of noisy birds.
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2nd April 2010, 11:56
Ladybee, thank you. I have an answer; first word starts with M and ends in y; that comes from Mona. Second word is female sailor plus church. Whole makes a useful tool but I don't see a container?
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2nd April 2010, 12:03
Mountainman, if you look up the first word (Chambers) you will see it is (surprisingly) a type of container
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2nd April 2010, 12:18
Thanks for all the hints offered - I'm investigating rooks and crows first.

No.49. - It's an unusual word - Chambers again to the rescue. It's malicious but not the written sort. Then include a letter implying nothing.

Does anyone else find it irritating to keep 'signing in' for every reply?
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2nd April 2010, 12:31
Yes Ladybee I do! Also thread goes back to beginning and have to keep returning to the place you just left!
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2nd April 2010, 12:43
Yes it is frustrating to keep logging in and not going to latest page. Still enjoy the site so prepared to put up with it. Down to our last clue: No 58. Would love a hint but then what will we do until the next quiz comes out!!
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