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2nd April 2010, 08:31
Badger 4 Now I've read it through again I can see that I have got that wrong, was using the letters in the wrong order. So that means another search and probably back to the reference library next week! Just when I thought I'd only got 99 still to solve. Is it under Chambers under urn or another word? Thanks for the hint
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2nd April 2010, 09:01
Twinsnan - yes, I am saying that. The solution is not tureen and does not contain "urn". It is a very uncommon word (ie I had never heard of it). It is in Chambers, and very specific, but is almost identical to another common word which would fit the clue (but not quite so well). Happy hunting. I still don't have 99, my last one.
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2nd April 2010, 09:12
Mountainman - have you looked into what Mona means? It is not just a girl's name. The sailor is a woman!
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2nd April 2010, 09:36
I'm still struggling with several that others seem to have so they are probably simple but not to me! Any clues for 20,22,26,27,24,40 appreciated.
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2nd April 2010, 09:55

20. Uncle - think of America and the uncle connected with it. Then think of Russia for the container.

22. The fish is the wriggly kind preceded by initial for Right and initial for Caught.

26. think of an obvious word for circuit and reverse it. then insert a short word of greeting.
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2nd April 2010, 10:12
Many thanks. I had that answer for 22 but doubted myself.
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2nd April 2010, 10:15
In 99 Hold on to catch=net s from suspended,river=ure.
84 What you do when having a bet,then e of English,then t as last of test,and the whole thing is what holds ashes from a fire.Hope this helps
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2nd April 2010, 10:19
Hi twinsnan,
No.99. It is a river (which has been stated many times - URE) surrounded by letters of a word meaning "hold on to catch"
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2nd April 2010, 10:27
I am still looking for 66. ...for one who shines as a horse tamer. Have seen clues like "think of stars" but still puzzled.
Have a happy Easter everyone.
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2nd April 2010, 10:35
66 Google star+horse tamer. Can you help wth 27,34,40?
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