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20th September 2016, 18:09
Good day, Elle!
Bali and barley are quite different.
Barley has an "r", Bali does not.
Yes, the Arapaho clue was a good one.
Very topical!
Glad you enjoyed your day out!
Yes, a great pity about Elly, I thought you would be disappointed.
A good touch by Levi to bury her with her "marriage papers" as they meant so much to Elly.
Just remember that every peace treaty or settlement ever made between Washington and the Native Americans was broken by the settlers and Washington, stealing more and more land from the Natives.
Every single one!
The Native people were treated dreadfully.
My son visited today.
They had a good time in Florida.
9801 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 19:37
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, her marriage lines meant so much to Elly!
She was very well educated and literate for a girl brought up in an orphanage in those 'olden' times, do you not think?
It was not I who used the word "massacre" but James Michener.........and I agree with you that the Indians were very hard done by on all sides.
I have yet to read the chapter, but I am impressed by Mr M's accuracy in his research and I have great faith that he will recount the issue fairly.
I shall finish the chapter this evening, so will report back on my impressions!
That is good that you saw your son - I expect he had a lot to tell you about his trip?
Any news on Miss O ?
9802 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 20:10
Hello, Elle!
No, there was no implied criticism from me regarding "massacre".
I was using a heading.
The great Oglala chief, Red Cloud, was involved in the Fetterman massacre and in the Red Cloud wars.
He outlived all the other chiefs, and just before he died, in 1909, said of the white people, "They made us many promises, more than I can remember. But they kept but one- They promised to take our land- and they took it"
I think Michener treats them fairly.
He knows exactly why Jake Pasquinel acts like does etc.
My son had a great time and said Miss O is not impressed by Aer Lingus and is travelling back with British Airways!
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20th September 2016, 23:16
Hi, Rusty!
I am sorry that I have been so long in replying....but I have been fast asleep!
Yes, all this time!
I must have been absolutely shattered! book read........therefore no further report to give you about my feelings on the massacre....
I shall have to wait till tomorrow to find out what rightly happened......
I am now going to make a drink and have a shortcake bikkie.......and go to bed!
9804 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2016, 15:26
Good afternoon, Elle!
Have you awoken yet?
Bit dull here today.
I have just finished yesterday's crossword.
Seem to have got a bit behind this week.
I'll blame the plane tracking!
9805 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2016, 17:24
Hello, all!
Times Crossword!
13a, What's separated from solid commentator's method? (4)
Pretty sure it is "whey".
The commentator's method looks like "way".
Now, "whey" and "way" sound very different to me.
Opinions, please?
9806 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2016, 17:28
Hello Rusty!

How are you?
Me think Elle must be a busy lady again - surely she can't still be asleep?!!!

Great weather today, but definitely chilly at nights (and foggy).
We, like you, work our seasons on the 20th-21st (sometimes 22nd) of every third month, so Autumn officially starts To-morrow, but is feels that it has been here for a week already!

I have just finished Sunday's crossword, so I am even more behind than you!
9807 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2016, 17:32
PS - Not sure about pronunciation of 'whey'.
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21st September 2016, 17:34
Good afternoon, Rusty!
A lovely day here and, after a chilly morning, it is a very warm afternoon - "shirt-sleeve" weather!
After my evening "kip" and a good night's sleep, I was up bright and early at 6am!
My "leisurely" day didn't happen though - it has been very hectic!
I have just got home after a long hike!
Today's QC brought up another (supposed) homophone............
Rushed, we hear , to see hill (3)
A very easy one, but wondered what you though of the "sounds"?

Re your "whey" and "way" me they do not sound the same?
There is a "wh" sound in the former....
It is like "whish" and "wish"?

9809 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2016, 17:36
Hi Elle,

I know what you mean about the 'wh' at the beginning, but I have just listened to both words on Google and they do not seem to make any difference in the pronunciation!
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