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17th September 2016, 15:53
Hi, Rusty!
Following on what we know about Blue Leaf's fate - which is generally indicative of those times....then "Two Old Women" should be a good follow-up book to read?
I would highly commend a woman who stood up for herself and didn't just "lie down" and accept her "fate"!
Good for her - or rather, in this instance , "them"!
Yes, why not get it?
I am all for individuality and strength of mind!
I am reading "Centennial" and half watching the tennis!
Andy and Jamie Murray playing Doubles against Juan - Martin Del Potro and Mayer.
One set all and going with serve at the beginning of the third set.
Very much even- stevens.
Are you watching?
How is the flight to Orlando progressing?
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17th September 2016, 16:01
Hello, Elle!
I may get the book. Probably from USA.
Orlando plane doing away fine.
My son has expressed surprise that there is wi-fi on the plane.
Is that unusual?
I have no idea!
9752 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2016, 16:20
Hello, Elle!
Superwoman does it again!
Another gold for Dame Sarah!
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17th September 2016, 17:25
Hi, Rusty!
Well done, Dame Sarah!
What was this Gold medal for?
I have good news in the tennis, too!
Andy and Jamie beat the two Argentinians in four sets.
It was a well fought battle!
So the chances of GB retaining the Davis Cup are kept alive!
Yes, there is Wifi on planes - but I think you have to pay for it?
I certainly wouldn't know from personal experience - I hate flying!
You will only get me on a plane if there is no feasible alternative means of transport!
Or a time problem!
When does Miss O and entourage arrive ?
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17th September 2016, 18:17
Good evening, Elle!
Dame Sarah won the women's road race.
5 swimming golds and 9 cycling golds!
Some dame!
Well done the Murrays and GB.
Plane is doing fine.
Miss O has texted her Dad that the plane will be in 45 minutes early.
It is not quite half-way yet, and flying quite a bit lower than they usually do.
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17th September 2016, 19:40
Good evening, Rusty!
Elder daughter has just Skyped us.......usually she and I talk on the phone, but the boys wanted to "see" us!
This entailed seeing the puppy as well.
Goodness, he is getting big!
And for once behaving with a little decorum!
He was busy chewing a pig's ear!
We have all been chatting for about forty minutes!
Why would the plane be flying lower than usual?
(You can tell I know nothing about flying!)
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17th September 2016, 19:53
Hello, Elle,
That was good regarding Skype.
I can only guess at the reason for the height.
Possibly better flying conditions at that height?
It has went up a bit now as they approach America.
You did not read the Times?
Big article about Wiggins and his hacked medical file.
Was very interesting.
Laura Trott's has been hacked as well.
9757 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2016, 20:49
Hi, Rusty!
No, I haven't read The Times today, as we only buy The Sunday Times.
We do not have a paper during the week, as I get my crosswords anyway from John, who emails me the screen prints.
We do usually get the (free) daily London Evening Standard, though, but do not have one today.
I didn't know anything about hacked medical files until you mentioned it? I haven't listened to the News either as yet today.
I have just looked it up on Google and it seems that a lot of medical files belonging to various sportspersons have been hacked - stolen from WADA - allegedly by Russians - and the personal details broadcast.
It is being said that this is in retaliation for the Russians being banned from the Olympic games?
Are the Russians intimating that there are records of sports personalities of other nationalities taking drugs?
I am a tad confused?
9758 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2016, 21:06
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the files contain details of these athletes who have taken drugs which are on the banned list.
Now, what I did not know, was that there is something called TUE, Therapeutic Use Exemptions.
If you have a doctor who says you need something on the banned list you can get an exemption. We have been told to expect more revelations regarding British Rio athletes. Wiggins, Nicola Adams, Trotty, Froome, have all used TUE's, according to these reports.
They all claim to have asthma, too.
I knew about Laura Trott, she was born with a collapsed lung, and probably has had long standing treatment for that.
Why have we never been told about Therapeutic Use Exemptions, before?
We had to wait on Russians to let us in on this!
9759 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2016, 22:03
Hi, Rusty!
I did not know about Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) either.
But this could all be genuine?
Or am I simply being very naive in thinking this?
I really do not like to think the worst of anyone.........
You know that Laura Trott, for instance, has a genuine reason for taking medications.
Could it not be that these other athletes have reasons, too?
It does make sense that sometimes a person may need to take a prohibited drug - so I can understand the need for possible official exemptions?
Oh dear...I don't know...what shall we find out about next?
One thing does come to did the Russians (if indeed it were they) know whose files to invade?
9760 of 30765  -   Report This Post