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24th September 2016, 10:12
Good morning, Rusty!
We have just come back from a slightly longer than usual morning walk!
It is lovely out....already very warm - in the early twenties, I reckon.
I have made a cup of coffee , and am settling down at my computer to answer a couple of letters and do the Jumbo GK crossword.
We have no particular plans for today as yet.......but the last time I was foolish enough to say that, my day ended up being hectic!
So we shall see.......
What are you up to?
9841 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th September 2016, 10:31
Good morning, Elle.
It is quite dull and chilly here.
I have not looked at my crossword yet.
Later today, I'll have a go.
I bought a ginger cake sort of thing.
I am looking forward to it!
Is your Hawaii coming from America, did you say?
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24th September 2016, 11:22
Hi, Rusty!
Four letters written......and three -quarters of the crossword done......
I am on a roll.......
I love ginger cake! but even better.......parkin!
Do you like parkin?
It is a gingerbread cake traditionally made with oatmeal and black treacle.
There is some controversy as to whether it originated in Lancashire or Yorkshire!
Whichever, it is delicious!
Unfortunately, I have never come across it down here.
Yes, "Hawaii" is coming from America.
Mishawaka in Indiana.
Expected arrival date October 4th to 24th.
But "Centennial " - also from the US - came very quickly, didn't it?
9843 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th September 2016, 12:10
Hello, Elle!
I think I had a book from Mishawaka!
My American books usually take three weeks.
Which is fine, by me.
I have heard of parkin but I do not know if I have ever had it or not.
Ginger cake and custard is tasty.
I got a big slab of Madeira, too.
Brad Wiggins is on the Andrew Marr show tomorrow.
Could be interesting!
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24th September 2016, 12:49
Hi, Rusty!
I do not like custard!
And you had better be careful with that madeira cake!
One broken filling is enough!
You mentioned Team Sky refusing to take phone calls from David Walsh.
After Walsh's article last week, I am hardly surprised that Team Sky is not willing to give him access to any more ammunition!
It was a good and fair article, but we cannot expect Team Sky to think so?
I shall record the Andrew Marr show tomorrow morning to see what is said!
I think Wiggo may find it difficult to defend himself?
I have just met R.J. Poteet.........
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24th September 2016, 14:07
Hello, Elle!
A good man is R J Poteet!
He'll get your cattle North!
I have never been a fan of Team Sky (though I like Geraint Thomas and Ian Stannard)
Team Sky talk the talk, but....
I like David Walsh.
It was his tenacity that exposed Lance Armstrong for what he was.
Took him years but he got there.
I have set my recorder for Andrew Marr, too.
Be good if Walsh or Paul Kimmage was on it, too.
Just hope Marr is well briefed on cycling's "shenanigans".
There is a big article in The Times today about all these great sportsfolk with asthma.
Sticks out like a sore thumb.
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24th September 2016, 15:22
Hi, Rusty!
R.J. is organising his men ready for off!
I don't have today's Times....what line is the article taking?
I can see up to a point that the stress of training and in hard conditions - especially in the cold - could induce asthma?
Or at least "asthma" type breathing problems?
But can it justify the introduction of drugs to control said symptoms?
Especially if the timing is near to a sporting event?
Oh, I wish I had the paper to read about it!
Please can you fill me in on the details?
Right here and now, I am going out for a walk.....still a glorious day here.
I hope your dull day has improved and warmed up?
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24th September 2016, 16:13
Hello, Elle!
The article is by Martyn Zeigler.
More than 50% of swimmers, and 40% of cyclists allegedly have asthma.
Whereas 10% of the general population has asthma.
Various arguments are put forward.
They say it is legal, but David Millar, the ex cyclist, says Kenacort can make sick people healthy, and can make sick people better than a healthy person.
It is a grey area.
I would like an explanation as to why Wiggins had his injections just before major Tours. Why then?
Paula Radcliffe, Trotty, and David Beckham, all have asthma the article states. Beckham used an inhaler. I think Trotty got treatment, no idea about Paula.
It claims intensive exercise can bring on asthma.
Sam Quek said her asthma came on when she did intensive training in 2008, she used inhalers for two years and has never used them since.
It's not a great article.
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24th September 2016, 16:56
Hello, Elle,
An update!
I saw Cancellara's file was hacked.
He at least does not have asthma!
His two TUE's were given for a very bad reaction to bee stings.
I saw the photos. His face was very swollen.
On the bike race forums there are murmurings that Andrew Marr does not have the knowledge or insight to properly interview Wiggins.
And one American rider queries if it is a necessary requirement to have asthma before you can win a Grand Tour!
I liked that!
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24th September 2016, 18:22
Good evening, Rusty!
We are home again!
It was lovely out earlier but it is now beginning to grow dark already!
Decidedly autumnal!
Thank you for all that is indeed a grey area, as you say.
I don't know how one argues around it.........
You ask why Bradley Wiggins should have his injections just before a major cycling event........ but I suppose the argument there would be that if he were genuinely asthmatic, then just before an important Tour would be when he would most need his medication?
That would seems there is an answer to everything!
Whether it is one that we can accept as authentic or not!
It does sound as though Fabian Cancellara is above suspicion?
In fact, I would have thought that strong doses of antihistamine would be detrimental to race conditions rather than advantageous.
The quip from the American rider might throw some mud up!
And they say mud sticks!
I have set the recorder for the Andrew Marr show, but I know nothing about how authentic it might prove to be?
I have never watched it previously.
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