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23rd September 2016, 14:46
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Oh, well...... madeira cake is soft enough!
That shouldn't have broken your tooth!
Anyway, all fixed now?
Yes, you have mentioned ebay before, but there are two reasons why I am not going with them.........
One is that I was put off by receiving a "filled -in" crossword book (remember?) and two........I have quite a lot of money in my Amazon account from present vouchers, so no point in 'spending' elsewhere.
I shall keep an eye on Amazon as their prices fluctuate, and order at an appropriate moment!
Yes, "The Covenant" is another possible on my list.
We have a "Screwfix" but a short drive away - a good shop!
Is this is "holiday job" for your granddaughter between Uni terms?
Going out now for a walk with the dog.........

Hello, Ros!
I don't know Abe books - I shall take a look!
I have money in my Amazon account though, so for the present will be using that.
How is your Book Club going?
Do you have any special books / authors that/whom you would recommend?
9831 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd September 2016, 14:55
Hello, Elle,
Yes, it was soft Madeira, but it happened!
Screwfix is a good shop, and plenty parking, too.
La Bamba has left her hospital job, and went to Screwfix for several weeks.
She is not returning to Uni, but is starting a full time job in the hospital!
Abe Books are fine.
The vast majority of the book shops on eBay are good.
You must have had a rogue who sold you the completed crossword book.
Don't let it put you off!
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23rd September 2016, 17:08
Hi, Rusty!
Just back from our walk - a lovely warm afternoon!
No jackets needed!
I didn't know that Miss L-B was not returning to Uni.
What is she going to be doing in the hospital?
Is it an extension of what she was doing at Uni? (I cannot remember what that was?)
Or is she starting something new?
We have spent many years working for the NHS!
In various laboratories here and there!
I shall endeavour not to be put off by ebay........and I have looked up Abe books, too.
I shall bear them in mind for the future, when I have run out of money with Amazon!
I think I have an Eggheads Final to watch today!
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23rd September 2016, 18:01
Hello, Elle!
I did not know about La Bamba, too.
She has decided Uni is not for her.
She is going to work in an office at hospital.
That is all I know.
But...she may return to Uni next year!
I have not had a proper chat with her about it, though.
eBay is fine.
I got Gorilla tape from them last week.
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23rd September 2016, 19:37
Hey, Rusty!
That sounds as though Uni may hold Miss La Bamba's place open for her?
It would be good if she could keep her options open.
Maybe all she needs is some time out before deciding what route she wants to take?
I am sure she will be telling you all about it.
What 'Gorilla tape' from ebay?
You have lost me here?
Well, we now have two new Eggheads - one male and one female!
The final was well fought out - and quite fair, I think, in that each contestant was allowed to choose his favourite topic (on which to answer questions) in his/ her turn.
Had it been me, I would have gone for Art and Literature, or Science!
I always aim for those in the game of Trivial Pursuit!
Eggheads is back to normal next week, you will be glad to hear!
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23rd September 2016, 20:42
Hello, Elle!
I purchased a roll of Gorilla tape on eBay.
It is for doing odd little jobs here and there.
Yes, I'll record Eggheads.
The Ryder Cup is on, too.
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23rd September 2016, 21:03
Hi, Rusty!
And there was I imagining a "tape" of large apes leaping about!
I didn't realise that "gorilla tape" is an adhesive tape!
There will now be nine Eggheads altogether!
Only five taking part daily in the team as usual though
Yes, it will be good to be back to normal!
I like Eggheads - and the multiple choice questions make it easier for me to answer correctly.
When is the golf on?
All I could see in the TV guide was darts!
Nothing to interest me!
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23rd September 2016, 21:19
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Gorilla tape is great stuff.
The golf starts next Thursday, I think, (not certain)
At Hazeltine, Minnesota.
I am looking forward to it.
That seems far too many Eggheads, surely?
I think there were more medical files published today.
Bet they all have asthma!
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23rd September 2016, 22:08
Hi, Rusty!
I 'm thinking - perhaps erroneously? - that the reason for so many Eggheads is to give them more individual time off?
There are only five in the daily team - so it does give those not playing a much longer break.
Yes, I was reading about the additional medical files that have been hacked.
Five more Brits.......although I can only remember Harry Aikines- Aryeetey.
Plus the American golfer Patrick Reed, and the Swiss cyclist Fabian Cancellara.
I no longer know just how much credence to give to anything I read?
I am in the middle of watching "Cold Feet" - recorded on Wednesday.
I am very behind this week!
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23rd September 2016, 22:47
Hello, Elle!
I have read that Team Sky are not answering the phone to David Walsh.
Hopefully he will do another article in the Times on Sunday.
I thought that they record several of these quiz shows each day.
A long day in the studio!
Sam Quek the hockey player has had her files hacked, too.
I do take heed of these files.
I have thought for many years that drug use was not just confined to cycling.
Can't just point fingers at Russians and Turkish weightlifters.
People in glass houses...
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