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22nd September 2016, 20:10
Good evening, Elle!
That is good that things are falling into place for BB.
Will ease everyone's mind.
The report on BBC text regarding CJ, mentioned manslaughter, murder, etc. Something that happened in Amsterdam in 1988, they say.
He appeared at Westminster Court today, after being arrested at Heathrow Airport.
So,.... there you are!
You would not have had time to tackle your crossword today!
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22nd September 2016, 21:04
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, all my daughter has to do now is put BB's name down for Breakfast Club at his school and everything will be covered.
It is a great shame that we cannot help out, but we live too far away to make it a practical proposition on a regular basis.
I looked up CJ on Google!
It seems that he admitted - in his autobiography - that he punched a man who had approached him with a knife - and threw him into a canal in Amsterdam!
It wasn't clear, in the article I read, how it could be assumed the man had then died......presumably drowned?
CJ does seem to have had a rather chequered existence!
I had forgotten all about my crossword!
I shall attend to it now.....
Thursday your son visiting you?
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22nd September 2016, 22:03
Hello, Elle!
Yes, my laddie has been and gone.
CJ got bail.
The "offence" was committed 28 years ago!
Must be something in it to interest the Dutch police?
Have you had a look on Amazon, yet>
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23rd September 2016, 10:05
God morning, Rusty!
We have yet another lovely day, although it is on the chilly side as yet - I wore a light fleece out on my walk.
What is your weather like?
Have you been out for your paper via the scenic route?
I did catch up with yesterday's crossword eventually, so am ready now for today's puzzle!
No, I haven't yet had time to confer with Amazon.........
I have two vouchers to pay into my account.
I shall do that, and then investigate which books to buy!
I shall speak to you about Mr. M before finally deciding.........
Today is definitely going to be a day of relaxation!!
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23rd September 2016, 10:20
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here,so far.
I am just home.
Was at my dentist (broken filling).
Then ASDA for my paper etc.
Yes, have a look at Mr M's books.
The great majority are first class.
But one or two I did not take to.
One about a retirement home in Florida was a bit tame after the likes of Texas and Hawaii.
I am sure you shall choose well!
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23rd September 2016, 11:50
Hi, Rusty!
Whatever were you eating to break your filling?
Right....... I have been very busy perusing Amazon!
I have so far ordered five books!
Two by Sebastian Faulks,.
I thought I had read all his books, but this morning discovered two titles that are unknown to me!
Then two - in much lighter mode - by Peter May (a recently found author)
These cost 1p each!
And last, but by no means least......."Hawaii" by James Michener.
I picked out three by Mr. M - "Chesapeake", "Alaska", and "Hawaii" - but only the last was available at a reasonable price.
And "Hawaii" cost me £1-15 plus p&p.
Dearer than usual?
I shall await a more 'receptive' day before ordering either of the others!
Their prices were a bit steep!
But what do you think of my three choices?
Two are still potential?
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23rd September 2016, 12:13
Hi elle
I often pick up cheap books on Abebooks but not for 1p!
A while back I was given some chocs and thought I had broken a tooth on one. I extracted something hard from my mouth. The dentist said teeth only break like that if they are already rotten, or fragile (such as the very thin wall of a tooth where you've had a mercury filling for years). I wanted a white filling, which she did. I sent the bill and fragment to Cadbury. They wote back saying the fragment was tooth, but paid up and sent me a big box of chocs anyway.
It's a lovely day, I'm planting bulbs.
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23rd September 2016, 13:39
Hello, Elle,
I was eating Madeira cake, believe it or not!
I should have tipped you off about books.
If they are a tad dear on Amazon, have a look on eBay, often they are cheaper.
I use eBay regularly and pay with PayPal.
There are Chesapeakes at £2.99 post free, and Alaskas from £2.04 post free.
I've just looked.
I hope you have no questions about Hawaii as it is over 30 years since I read it!
Possibly, Hawaii was my first Michener book?
I think it was but it is a long time ago.
You will like it I am sure.
It led me on to Caravans, and Centennial etc.
The Covenant is good too, set in Africa.
I am just heading out to Screwfix!
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23rd September 2016, 13:59
If you have a Tool Station anywhere near you,rusty, they are cheaper than Screwfix and just as good.
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23rd September 2016, 14:16
Yes, they are, Rosalind, I agree.
I was at Screwfix today as I have a granddaughter working there until October.
Just popped in, bought a torch, and said "Hello".
Any more than a quick "hello" and she may be mortified!
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