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17th September 2016, 22:15
Hello, Elle,
David Walsh is covering it in the Sunday Times tomorrow.
I completely accept that some folk need additional medication, but where does it end.
Wiggins said in his book, he has never had any injections but apparently the files say he has, coincidentally, just before the start of the Tour and the Giro. Very handy! It is suspicious, at least.
I firmly believe if you give athletes an inch they will take as much as they can.
Charley Hull has had her files made public too.
On a more serious note an Iranian cyclist has been killed in a crash in the cycling road race at the Para Games in Rio.
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17th September 2016, 22:42
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I shall have The Sunday Times tomorrow, so will be able to read about all about the TUE, and the consequences of all this file hacking.
I am still wondering how the Russians knew which files to hack?
There are hundreds of participating athletes - so how come they knew whom to go after?
Very suspicious! It cannot just be pot luck?
How very sad about the cyclist's dying after a crash - it is such a harsh sport!
(Do you wonder I do not like to watch it?)
I wonder whether he would have had the cardiac arrest anyway, had he not be involved in the accident?
His poor family.
And a shadow over the Games.
Daughter rang! We are all going out for the day tomorrow!
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17th September 2016, 23:08
Hello, Elle!
I like David Walsh. He is a good journalist.
He helped to bring Lance Armstrong down.
I did not see the crash, but the course looked dangerous for the non-disabled riders during the games.
I do not know about the cardiac arrest, but I remember when Fabio Casartelli died in le Tour after a horrific crash, he had five cardiac arrests in the helicopter taking him to hospital.
He had a dreadful head injury.
I hope you enjoy your day out.
I am going to visit my son in the morning.
And then watch the All Ireland final in the afternoon.
Dublin v Mayo.
I shall cheer the Green and Reds! (Dublin play in blue)
Miss O has landed in America!
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17th September 2016, 23:36
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad to hear that Miss O, boyfriend and his family have all arrived safely.
And your son will have been there to meet them and transport them to their hotel.
That is good!
You do not have to travel far in the morning to see your elder son, do you?
Didn't he move nearer to you a while back?
We are all going out tomorrow to one of our bigger parks.
It is but a short drive away, and lies roughly half way between here and where our daughter lives, so is a good place in which to meet.
I am hoping for a fine day!
I must go and let the dog out before bed!
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18th September 2016, 07:27
Good morning, Elle.
Looks like another fine day
My son lives five minutes away by car.
It is in reasonable walking distance but uphill every step of the way. That's what happens when you live on the side of an extinct (we hope!) volcano.
I have heard no more from America.
Hope you enjoy meeting up with the family!
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18th September 2016, 08:50
Good morning, Rusty!
We have a fine day here, too.
No sunshine though as yet, and a mite chilly.
A good day for being out and about!
It will be nice to hear face-to-face reports of BB's first week at school!
We are off within the next hour......
I hope you have a good chat with your son!
Catch up with you later.....
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18th September 2016, 17:47
Hi, Rusty!
Have you had a good day?
How was your son this morning?
I hope everything is well with him and his family?
We had a great day out with daughter and her family.
And the sun shone!
We came back here to eat afterwards, and I could see for myself that Baby is now crawling successfully and also is pulling himself up and attempting to walk around the furniture!
Time is running away with us!
I have been reading the article about Bradley Wiggins in the Sports section of the Sunday Times.
The timing of the TUEs certainly sounds suspicious?
Although it is all being explained away.......
I honestly don't know what to think?
I guess it might be more plausible though, if Wiggins himself hadn't so emphatically denied (in his book) having any injections.
I wonder why the emphasis was mainly on Bradley Wiggins - there were 11 (( I think it was?) British athletes involved in this hacking scandal.
Do you have any news from the travellers?
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18th September 2016, 18:34
Good evening, Elle!
I had a nice time at my son's.
Glad to hear you and your family had a successful day.
I also watched the All Ireland final.
It was, by a mile, the best thing I have watched all summer.
Two great teams fighting out a very commendable draw.
There will be a replay.
I have not read David Walsh's article, but the goings on with Wiggo etc are no surprise to me.
I think it was Walsh who said "Team Sky talk the talk but don't walk the walk."
And don't get me started on British Cycling.
If I had a young one trying to get on in cycling British Cycling would be the last place I would advise them to go.
We had two Olympic champions, in Kristina Vogel and Anna Meares, saying after Rio, there is something not right here with British Cycling.
Rubbish for years but ride wonderfully at every Olympics?
How is that possible? What is going on?
I wonder why Charley Hull's file was leaked?
I do not know what was in it, she had a good Games, but she is a teenage up and coming golfer? Odd!
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18th September 2016, 19:25
Hi, Rusty!
We started Rio with doubts and worries about doping.......and despite a good Games for GB, we finish in a flurry of more doubts and possible disgrace for some athletes.
Where will it all end?
I suppose the answer here is that it won''ll be ongoing........
Laura Trott and Jason Kenny look set to "make their fortunes" with their joint autobiography!
And at least Laura has a genuine reason for her TUE.......I cannot see there being any disagreement about that?
I don't know much about Charley Hull......other than your having mentioned her from time to time?
Do golfers get involved with drugs?
I am still wondering how the hackers knew whom to go after?
There seems largely to be background behind these accusations......from where did the Russians get their info as to whom to "target"?
Have you heard from Florida?
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18th September 2016, 19:43
Hello, Elle!
There is much corruption in sport.
I think it will always be there.
Laura Trott started out as a trampolinist as a young girl, but she used to pass out in mid-air during a routine, so she jacked that in.
To this day there will be a bucket very close to the finishing line, as she often throws up with the effort she makes.
I think Trotty is the real deal.
Good luck to her and Jason and their book.
They were on Question of Sport last week.
I do not know if golfers get tested or not, but was surprised that young Charley had her file hacked.
The Florida folk fly home in a couple of hours.
The plane from Glasgow has almost landed.
It will bring them back.
Lizzie was married yesterday, in Otley.
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