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20th September 2016, 12:05
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, it must be warm then for you to be going out in shirt sleeves?
It is so chilly here that we had the heating on for an hour or two earlier!
I have never heard of your book?
It sounds as though it might be interesting?
These letter-formatted books are usually good, I find.
I have another good clue for you - this is of topical interest to both of us (especially for me at the moment.............there is a clue in that, for you!)

A native American, soldier recalled, with a small house (7)

It is a good clue, I think?
I shall leave you to ponder it as we are just about to go out for lunch!
Catch you later!
9791 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 12:21
Must be very slow this morning, but I don't get it!
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20th September 2016, 13:07
Hello, Elle!
Got it!
I won't say it in case others may be pondering, but it is the tribe of Lame Beaver and Clay Basket!
Was that in your crossword?
A good clue, which should puzzle a few!
I have discovered that 84, Charing Cross Road, was made into a film many years ago, starring Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins.
The shop was demolished some years ago.
I am going to purchase it. 1p on Amazon.
Can't go wrong at that!
You are doing a lot of out-lunching these days!
9793 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 15:27
Elle, I thought you'd have no problem with the Bali/Barley homophone. I still do - and tried it out on 10 people. The eight Scots say there is no 'r' in the pronunciation of Bali, my friend in Stoke said the same - and my aunt in Surrey agreed with you and the Times setter!
9794 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 16:17
Malone, I tend to agree with the fact that there is no 'r' in Bali; but there again, it is quite often that I am in agreement with Rusty's comment on pronunciation.
9795 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 16:43
I suppose it depends on whether you pronounce Bali with a long a or short - Bahlee or Bally.

Mine would be somewhere in between, I was brought up in the SW of England (long a), but have lived in the NW (short a) for 30 odd years.
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20th September 2016, 16:44
.....though even the long a version doesn't really contain an r.
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20th September 2016, 16:48
In North Devon, where I was brought up, they would say "Barley" for Bali, of course!
9798 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 17:07
Hi, Rusty!
Home again!
We had a very nice outing!
Delicious lunch (yes, I am eating out a lot , aren't I?)
Daughter and Baby went home about 2.15 to pick up BB from school.....and I then did some shopping.
Yes, wasn't that a good clue about the Indian tribe?
It was in today's Times QC - I just couldn't believe it when I saw it!
What an amazing coincidence!
Elly has died! I was so sad......I thought her a wonderful character!
I am up to the gathering of all the Indian tribes for the "peace talks"........but as the title of the chapter is called "Massacre" I am assuming all did not go to plan........
What have you been up to today?
Have you since met up with the travellers?
9799 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 17:14
Hi Chris,

I lthink I would pronounce Bali somewhere in between Bahlee and Balli;
I often wonder what the correct pronunciation of places abroad would be in English!
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