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19th September 2016, 17:36
Hi, Rusty!
It is becoming a little chilly out - I resorted to wearing a light fleece!
And since returning home - and just retrieving the towels off the line in time - it is now raining!
I timed the outing well!
Have your returning travellers been to visit you?
They will both be feeling a bit jet lagged?
Any word from Miss 0?
Is she staying in the same hotel as did her dad?
It is a semi -final of "Make Me an Egghead" tonight.
Now I am assuming that there will be four semi- finals as there are two Leader boards (one for males and one for females)
That would be logical........but we shall see during the course of the week!
I have the next instalment of "Cold Feet" to watch later tonight.
I do like that programme!
An unusual amount of television viewing for me!
9781 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2016, 19:04
Hello, Elle,
Yes, a slight chill in the air.
Think Autumn begins on Thursday.
"Towels off the line"? Off the hoist, surely!
Not seen the travellers.
Bit surprised as I have door keys etc for them.
Not heard from Miss O.
Think she is communicating to everyone through FaceBook and I do not use that.
Did you see the Brownlee Bros on the news.
Proper sportsmen!
9782 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2016, 20:00
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't know there was a specific date for the start of Autumn?
But the leaves have been falling off the trees for a long time!
And there has been a distinct nip in the air these last few mornings.
Maybe your son and daughter- in law were just so tired, they fell asleep?
You will probably see them tomorrow!
I had read about the Brownlees!
How Alistair helped Jonny over the finishing line!
By all accounts, Jonny was in a bad way and had to be hospitalised, on a drip.
Fortunately, in Triathlons, assistance from other competitors is allowed!
Sadly though, as Jonny then came second ( pushed over the line into second place by his brother ) - the brothers having been overtaken during this crisis - Jonathan lost the overall title to Moya.
He would have needed to come first in order to beat Moya who came in fifth.
Yes, great sportsmanship!
(Alistair would have won the individual race had he not stopped to assist Jonny)
Did you watch Eggheads ? - a good competition!
9783 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2016, 21:34
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, Thursday is Autumn.
Up here, anyway.
I like the Brownlees.
Good men!
No, I am waiting until normal Eggheads resumes.
Yes, the travellers are tired.
It is less tiring going than coming back, they say.
9784 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2016, 22:50
Hi, Rusty!
I see that there have been 26 more sets of private medical records released to the public from the hackers called the "Fancy Bears".
Amongst these are those of Mo Farah, Justin Rose and Helen Glover, to name but a few.......
It is being stressed however that there is no suggestion that any of the athletes named have broken any rules, and the leaks have been condemned by Wada Director General Olivier Niggli.
It is frightening that anyone's medical records, or indeed any private information, can be so easily obtained, don't you think?
What about security for those who do online banking for instance?
There was rather a good clue in the Times QC today......
though whether you will like it as it involves a "cockneyism" , I don't know....
Rambling cockney girl's tirade (6)
9785 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2016, 23:11
Hello, Elle,
I have been on the Fancy Bears site.
The only one so far who looks bad is Wiggins and Team Sky.
He has told lies in his book, compared to what is in his file.
He conveniently got injections just before major tours.
Looks bad!
If there were anything underhand going on, say, with Farah, Charley Hull, etc, would it be in their medical records?
Doubtful, I think.
I think if we knew what really goes on, we would be shocked.
And very senior people in these sporting organisations have been frequently bribed to cover up transgressions.
No, I do not know the answer to your puzzle.
I see "cockney" and my brain switches off, I'm afraid.
Dundee was an answer in Times crossword today.
Have you an opinion on 84, Charing Cross Road?
9786 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 09:57
Good morning, Rusty!
A rather miserable day! Dampish!
Maximum temperature only expected to be 15C!
How about in your neck of the woods?
Have you been out yet for your paper?
84, Charing Cross Road?
Now you have me here... ?
Is this some address I should know about? Why?
What happens there?
Younger daughter and Baby are coming over this morning.
We may go out for lunch!
Elder daughter is coming up to London for an appointment.......she may be staying the night with all depends on who will look after the puppy in her absence!
I have yet to hear details.....

Rambling cockney girl's tirade (6)
The answer is 'er rant
9787 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 11:01
For Pigale, Rosalind, Elle, Rusty...

From today's Times cryptic -
29 A. Grain from a mountainous island, some say (6)

I'd change this to 'Grain from a mountainous island, a very few say (6).'
9788 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 11:37
Hi, Malone!
Both daughter (who is visiting me!) and I don't have a problem with this!
To us both words sound alike!
9789 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2016, 11:37
Good morning, Elle,
Great day here!
I have been out twice (in shirt sleeve attire).
No reason at all you should know 84, Charing Cross Road.
I believe it is gone now.
It was the title of a book by Helene Hanff, a New York lady, consisting of correspondence between her and an employee (I think?) of a bookshop at that address.
I wondered if you had read it.
It is on my "list".
You appear to have a busy day ahead!
That's quite a good clue, errant?
9790 of 30765  -   Report This Post