Hi, Rusty!
I didn't know there was a specific date for the start of Autumn?
But the leaves have been falling off the trees for a long time!
And there has been a distinct nip in the air these last few mornings.
Maybe your son and daughter- in law were just so tired, they fell asleep?
You will probably see them tomorrow!
I had read about the Brownlees!
How Alistair helped Jonny over the finishing line!
By all accounts, Jonny was in a bad way and had to be hospitalised, on a drip.
Fortunately, in Triathlons, assistance from other competitors is allowed!
Sadly though, as Jonny then came second ( pushed over the line into second place by his brother ) - the brothers having been overtaken during this crisis - Jonathan lost the overall title to Moya.
He would have needed to come first in order to beat Moya who came in fifth.
Yes, great sportsmanship!
(Alistair would have won the individual race had he not stopped to assist Jonny)
Did you watch Eggheads ? - a good competition!