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17th September 2016, 06:41
Good morning, Elle!
Yes, it will be nice to see Miss La Bamba.
Her older sis, Miss O, has given me a rough time of her flight to Dublin, and then I will work it out from there.
Her Dad will let me know more as he is collecting her from Orlando Airport, and should know more details.
She will be hectic today, so I shall not bother her.
Keeping Granddad in the loop is not top priority!
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17th September 2016, 10:39
Good morning , Rusty!
A dreich cold morning!
And very nice it was out walking! Most invigorating!
Did you get out early to do your shopping etc., before the arrival of your decorator?
What are you decorating this time?
We have no specific plans for today as yet, although we are expecting a phone call from our daughter, so things may change.
I think she is intending to come over either today or tomorrow.
BB and Baby have swimming this morning though.
I hope you enjoy your time with Miss L-B!
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17th September 2016, 11:18
Good morning, Elle!
Wonderful day here!
Yes, shopping done, deckie has been and gone, (second coat on Monday).
I had a wall with "blown" plaster.
It is repaired now and has to be painted.
Back with "Maggie"!
La Bamba has stood me up!
She has a very heavy cold and I told her to stay home and keep warm!
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17th September 2016, 12:07
Hi, Rusty!
Good old "Maggie"!
What a nuisance though!
Was this one of the walls recently plastered and decorated?
If so, you didn't have to pay for it to be done again, did you?
It is a shame that you are to be deprived of Miss La Bamba's company, but better for both of you if she stays home if she has a cold!
The last thing you need on top of your recent chill, is to catch her germs!
You can both make up for it when she is better!
We haven't heard from our daughter so I am guessing they are coming tomorrow rather than today!
Never mind, tennis at 1.45 pm!
When do you start tracking Miss O's flight?
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17th September 2016, 12:41
Hello, Elle!
No, a different wall.
But no paper on it, just Maggie.
Poor La Bamba!
Maybe she thought I would attempt cooking!
Miss O is in the air to Dublin, (according to Edinburgh Departures) but FlightAware are not tracking it. "No information", it states!)
They are tracking the Orlando flight though.
I clicked on what I thought was the correct Dublin flight and it stated "landed 17 years ago", and it was from Tiree to somewhere!
Maybe your daughter will turn up yet?
How are you off for weather?
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17th September 2016, 13:12
Hi, Rusty!
Landed seventeen years ago?
You're kidding me, right?
No, my daughter won't come now....she will either come tomorrow when she can spend a longer time with us - or maybe just she and Baby will come during the week.
Either is fine by us........we are reasonably free next week.
Mind you I famously said that last week.......and then look what happened!!
I ended up busy nearly every day!
My weather?
Well, the rain has stopped! and I have hopefully hung out the washing (on the hoist).
But the temperature has dropped to 12C......altho it just might reach 15C later!
How about you? How warm is it up there?
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17th September 2016, 13:37
Hello Elle/Rusty (and everyone!)

I reckon Rusty's weather should be rather nice - my friend in Cumbria is expecting a couple of days (at least) of fair warmish weather. They deserve it since their weather was rather cold while we were having hot temperatures.

How are you both?
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17th September 2016, 15:15
Fine, thank you, Pigale!
I am appreciating the colder weather, although it would be nice to see the sun!
Funnily enough, speaking of Cumbria.... we met our friends from there in our local park this morning.
They are visiting their daughter.
They have put their house in Cumbria up for Sale and are moving nearer to here.
Quite where has yet to be decided!
It will be good though to have them closer.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend?
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17th September 2016, 15:15
Hello, Elle!
It is lovely weather here.
16°C. Not too hot, just perfect.
It is fact what I told you about the last flight landing 17 years ago. Tiree was involved in it. And I think I saw Loganair on it.
I clicked on a flight code and that came up.
I think, and could be wrong, that Tiree only flies to Glasgow.
Used to be an RAF station.
Maybe the flight codes got updated or changed or whatever, but 17 years came up!
I was mildly astonished, to be fair!

Hello, Pigale,
It is nice to get pleasantly warm days.
Mind you, early on today, there was a definite coolness in the air.
Autumn is around the corner.
Wonder how Lassie and family are doing?
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17th September 2016, 15:29
Hello, again, Elle,
You mentioned how poor Blue Leaf died.
Well, I was exploring, and came across this book called "Two Old Women", by Velma Wallis.
These were Alaskan women and were cast aside as being old and a burden.
But... these two did not accept their fate!
I am very tempted to get it for myself.
It appears to be a novel.
It gets excellent reviews.
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