Hi, Rusty!
We have just come back from a somewhat poggy walk!
It is still raining but no longer torrentially.
It was a good walk - much cooler...nice to feel energetic again!
Now, Mr. M......my interpretation of the "editors" formula is that he uses it to remind the reader that this is a 'report'.......rather than just a 'story'?
I could be way off beam here though as this is only the first book of his that I have read.
Do any of his other books take this format?
Speaking of editing.... many years ago, I did a proof reading course.
(I did it just out of interest because the correction of grammar, punctuation etc. appealed to me!)
It was enjoyable and I passed it with flying colours.......but I was 'warned' by the examiners that if I ever took a "job" doing proof-reading professionally, I wouldn't be allowed to be so accurate!
Apparently , most "mistakes" are allowed through - only "howlers" are picked up - because otherwise it would work out too expensive to correct all the faults - and also would offend the author!
They sent me an example of a text......I could never have let it go at that....it offended all my principles!
I decided proof reading was definitely not for me!
Has Miss O given you her schedule for tomorrow?