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14th September 2016, 20:49
Hello, Elle,
Some of Dame Sarah's medals are for swimming, did you know?
She switched to cycling because of ear infections.
i do not know Cold Feet.
Miss O is flying from Edinburgh to Dublin, then on to Orlando.
Plenty tracking over the weekend to keep me busy!
Hope you enjoy Eggheads!
9711 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 21:18
Hi, Rusty!
No, I didn't know that Dame Sarah used to be a swimmer!
I do know that she was born in Eccles, though ( not all that far from my home town of Bolton)
Remember Eccles cakes?
Now.......Eggheads had a question tonight......
"In the title of a Claude Money painting, who are seen at La Genouillere?
Bathers; painters; or dancers?"
Interestingly, this painting hangs in The National Gallery (Trafalgar Square) and I have seen it on many occasions!
The answer is "Bathers"
Is Miss O's flight path different from your son's?
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14th September 2016, 21:28
Typo! it obviously should be "Monet"!
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14th September 2016, 23:11
Hello, Elle!
Yes, this route is new to me.
Usually it is Glasgow-Orlando, or Glasgow-Gatwick-Orlando, but Dublin is in the frame now. Not sure if it is direct to Orlando, or stopping at Newark, or JFK.
I remember Eccles cakes and Sister Mary Stollard, all right!
Dame Sarah was in the pursuit team with Trotty and Dani King etc, the non-disabled riders, but Shane Sutton dropped her and she returned to Paracycling, (if that is the correct term?)
I know nothing about paintings, Elle.
How are you and Rufous getting on?
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15th September 2016, 10:17
Good morning, Rusty!
We have yet another hot day in store for us!
It was quite pleasant earlier, but is already in the high twenties now.
How are you feeling today?
I hope you have recovered from your chill?
I have now made the acquaintance of Lame Beaver.
I felt for him at having to give up his pinto!
I am expecting a visitor within the hour......
I just had an unexpected phone call from a friend whom I thought was in Spain......but who turns out to be about to come and see me!
I had no idea she was in England!
Apparently , it was a sudden 'whim'!
I think I had better get out the hoover.......and have a "whip round" before she arrives!
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15th September 2016, 10:49
Good morning, Elle!
I am at 98% now.
Think my bug was a 36 hour thing.
Very impressed with paracetamol!
Once I started that I improved quite a bit.
You have met Lame Beaver?
Very good! Lame Beaver is one of the good guys!
Just been reading that Dame Sarah wants to ride in the non-disabled World Champs next month.
She said she would like to help Lizzie win, if selected.
Hope you have a nice blether with your friend!
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15th September 2016, 15:49
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am glad that you are feeling much better!
Have you been able to go out? Are you feeling up to that?
Well, that was a lovely surprise, having my friend turn up so unexpectedly!
It was indeed fortunate that I was still at home, because we had just been debating whether or not to go to the Garden Centre when she rang!
Yes, we had a good chat!
She has only just left!
And now I must settle to sort out some paper work.......
We sold my father's flat last year and I now have to sort out the Capital Gains tax.
You should see the forms we need to fill in.......
Why is it that anything remotely "official" has to be couched in such high-falutin terms?

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15th September 2016, 17:15
Good afternoon, Elle!
I have not been out, but catching up on my reading.
Won't you need professional help for Capital Gains Tax?
Just finished "Nurse at the Front".
it was good, and I learned a new, to me, phrase!
Edie, several times during the book mentioned someone as being in "high feather", meaning in very good spirits.
I had never heard of "high feather", but Chambers has!
Are you familiar with it?
Been a fine day here, not warm, but fine and dry.
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15th September 2016, 18:43
Hi, Rusty!
I was very lucky in that some friends had experienced all the traumas of sorting out their Capital Gains tax, having sold an investment property that they owned.
They very kindly gave me the benefit of their experience!
Without their help, I could never have done it.
Is "Nurse at the Front" the book based on the diaries of Edith Appleton, that you were telling me about?
We thought it might be similar to "Roses"?
I haven't heard of the term " in high feather" either!
I shall seek an opportunity to use it!
I have finished the section on Lame Beaver.
The average life span then was very short, wasn't it?
He was considered an old man in his late fifties, and was ready to end his life.
He was a great character.
Very hot here!
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15th September 2016, 19:25
Good evening, Elle!
No, these are unedited diaries written by Edith Appleton.
Nothing else.
Unfortunately some are missing.
The last one covers the end of the war and her serving on a hospital train going into Germany. Then, nothing!
"High feather" is not in Brewers.
There is a website dedicated to Edith.
Lame Beaver was killed, but in his fifties.
That would be quite old then.
Has Pasquinel entered the tale yet?
When they speak of Our People they are referring to their own tribe, the Arapaho.
They do not like the Utes!
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