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14th September 2016, 13:21
Good day, Pigale!
And she has a hawthorn tree in her garden!
And you know who hawthorn trees are associated with?
9701 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 13:24
Hello, Elle!
I think the chilliness is to do with me rather than weather.
I feel very warm today and am sure I have "a bug".
No, I am still in shirt sleeve mode.
It is a fine day here,
9702 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 13:47
Hello Rusty!

I do indeed Rusty - quite appropriate don't you think?
9703 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 15:49
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am sorry that you are not feeling too well.
Yesterday you were cold and shivery, and today you are hot.....?
Maybe you have a 'chill'?
I hope it is over soon!
Still incredibly hot here today....I'm afraid only one walk for the dog - it is far too hot and humid to take her out now late afternoon.
We had a delicious roast lunch with our friends.
The restaurant 's air conditioning was in fine fettle, so the atmosphere was quite pleasant.
I know you don't do the Times QC but I found that both yesterday's and today's puzzles only took me about ten to fifteen minutes (good for me!)
I am wondering if they have been easier? or if I am at last improving?!
How are the travellers doing?
9704 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 16:04
Hello, Elle,
I think I have a chill, too!
It is a lovely day here, but not hot.
Maybe 16° or 17°C.
You will be improving your solving skills.
Just a natural progression.
I have not heard from the travellers today.
Is it "travellers" or "travelers"?
Travellers looks better?
9705 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 16:33
Hi, Rusty!
Better take care then if you have a chill.
You know the usual blurb........
Rest and drink plenty of fluids.
......a light covering not a heavy blanket, so as not to raise your body temp.
Take a lukewarm or cool shower to reduce a fever, but NOT a cold one!
Hopefully, by tomorrow you will feel much better.
"Travellers" is common usage in the UK - though both are in Chambers.
I think the single 'l' version is American.
Are they coming home on Saturday?
Which day do Miss O, boyfriend and his family travel out there?
9706 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 16:51
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I shall do as you say!
I am feeling not too bad.
I had achy joints but they have eased.
The travellers leave on Sunday, land in Glasgow early Monday morning.
Now, Miss O, I want a word with.
(She is on teacher placement this week)
I think it is Friday she goes, but I do not know when, or which airport.
I like setting up Flight Tracker to follow the flight.
My son is collecting them from Orlando airport when they land.
In the meantime La Bamba is in charge of me !!
This will be a hoot!
9707 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 17:17
Hi, Rusty!
I think you should mention to the girls that you are feeling a "bit under the weather" (however did that phrase originate?) so that they can keep an eye on you?
That would be sensible, don't you think?
I didn't know that Miss O is a student teacher?
Does she teach infants /juniors (ie primary school level) or senior school pupils?
My son-in law (BB's dad) is a teacher but at a Sixth Form college.
Yes, you will need to get the details of her flight so that you can track it.
Mis L-B and you will maybe be a bit like "the blind leading the blind"??
I wonder who will lead whom astray?
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14th September 2016, 18:59
Hello, Elle!
Oh no, I am fine, the girls won't have to bother about me.
Miss O is on a "placement" just now and she likes it.
It is senior pupils.
La Bamba and me get on fine, and she has Gran to keep her right, too.
Dame Sarah has won another gold!
That is 13 golds now, she has.
What is the next step up from Dame, I wonder?
9709 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th September 2016, 20:26
Hi, Rusty!
Dame Sarah has done very well indeed!
I think Sarah has now passed Tanni Grey- Thompson's total.
If I am remembering correctly, Tanni got 11 Gold medals?
Dame Sarah's second medal at these Paralympics put the GB tally up to 35 Golds - beating the 2012 total.
I haven't watched the Paralympics for the last couple of days.... has anything else happened that I should know about?
I've been busy either reading or catching up on programmes that I had previously recorded.
I am keeping up with the new series of "Cold Feet" (Monday nights)
I know you haven't watched this.......and, to be honest, I am not sure that kicking off from where it has, it will appeal to many new viewers, but I watched the original series many moons ago, and have 'settled in' to it nicely!
I am enjoying it.
Got "Eggheads" catch up to watch now......
9710 of 30765  -   Report This Post