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12th September 2016, 21:17
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, I wasn't complaining!
I like the info thrown in along with the story!
I have just finished a six hundred page novel by Sebastian Faulks that is full of medical facts, and hypotheses, as part of the storyline.
But it takes a while for assimilation to kick in, especially as I feel the need to (try to) remember it all!
I chose a full length drama, remember, as I'm not especially fond of short stories.
I shall get there........
I cannot do Malone's clue......?

Malone, I am stuck!
I have been thinking around Buzz and words meaning that ring, and hum and whirr...
Obviously I am completely on the wring lines here.
A clue?
9671 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 21:24
Elle, forget Buzz!
Wonder if I am allowed to tell you its an anagram?
9672 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 21:24
Elle,sorry - it's just a rather feeble clue leading to a solver(featured in my post with the question).
9673 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 21:28
Hello, Elle,
By the end of the book you will know how to put a rim on a wagon wheel, you will be an expert on aquifers, know the inside outs of the range wars between sheepmen and cattlemen, and know how to create a flint arrowhead, among many other things!
It is interesting!
9674 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 22:02
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I have got the clue!
Although I wouldn't have done so, if you hadn't told me it was an anagram!
Admittedly even then I did wrestle for a bit with "ordinals"!
I wonder if Ros managed it??!
It is good to know that I shall survive in the rugged outback, replacing the wheel on my wagon, finding water in the aquifer, and shooting arrows to defend myself against predators!
Meant to mention........I found the development of the horse very interesting!
It is becoming unbearably humid here, despite the lateness of the hour....... we have the fans on....
Is it like this with you?
9675 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 22:32
Hello, Elle,
There is a lot about the Mennonites cooking and the meals they ate, which I found interesting. That was in Lancaster County, PA.
I really liked that bit.
Yes, the horse and its ancestors was very interesting.
I think the skeletal structure description of diplodocus takes a bit of beating, though!
Not humid here.
It has been overcast most of the day.
Seemed to get dark very early.
9676 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 22:33
Ho ho, malone, very good!
I have seen my "name" clued in various ways, sometimes relating to the Forest of Arden, but not like that before!
Orlando's mate firstly ran out screaming "a louse in nicker drawer" (8)
9677 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 22:41
Rosalind, I thought you might find yourself easier than finding Rusty earlier! The clue you've just given is ... interesting, I'm not sure if I get it.
9678 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 23:31
"Firstly", Malone, "firstly"!
Good one, Rosalind!
9679 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th September 2016, 07:16
Rosalind, sorry I was so obtuse - my crossword-solving powers are at their best first thing in the morning!

Rusty, thanks - I should have picked up on the 'firstly'.
9680 of 30765  -   Report This Post