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12th September 2016, 09:41
I got it !!!
9651 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 09:50
Good, Rusty - I thought you'd maybe post a totally empty message, just to get a (another) name check!
9652 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 10:08
Hello, Malone!
I do not normally do the crossword until later in the day (my teatime treat) but this has given me a good start, for when I get there!
9653 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 10:12
Morning, Malone!
If I have it right, it is very appropriately named for one of us?
9654 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 12:39
I'm glad Rusty didn't give any of us any problems this morning!
9655 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 15:57
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, it took me a long time to read the chapters on "Land and "Inhabitants" because I felt a strong need to retain the images in my head whilst I was reading...and I found I had go back here and there and read a passage over again, in order to do this......most especially the descriptions about the land.
I couldn't pass that particular point until I had done this.
Is this making any sense to you?
Did you find this?
The last time I experienced this peculiarity was at the very beginning of "War and Peace".
Tolstoy's descriptions of his characters were such that , as the reader, I felt I had to get them "just right" in my mental vision!
I could allow for no possible mistake!
(This probably sounds very convoluted, but I hope you are following what I mean!)
9656 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 16:11
No can do yet, malone. Probably a bit thick today.

Tidying up my loft (well, attempting to wade in!) I found some files of jokes. They were collected by my sons from famous people many years ago, to make a book for a charity long since defunct. I find I have signed letters from, eg both Ronnies, Bill Beaumont, Victoria Wood, Lenny Henry and Ken Livingstone to name but a few! We never did publish the book (not enough material) but maybe now........
9657 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 16:15
Hello Elle, Rusty and everyone !

Very hot day particularly for this time of the year, but since early afternoon I've been watching hundreds of house-martins/swallows (?)
gathering on electric cables - and about an hour ago, they all left.

They are the latest birds to arrive in late Spring and the first ones to leave in early Autumn. But I have not seen nor heard any cranes yet.
9658 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 16:16
It's a word you have seen frequently on this thread, amongst others, rosalind.
9659 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th September 2016, 16:23
Thanks chrise
9660 of 30765  -   Report This Post