Hi, Rusty!
That sounds a good temperature to me!
I have been attempting to sit out in the garden, under a tree, reading my book, but was driven back indoors again to the relative coolness created by the fans!
Give me cold climates every time!
Although, I guess it is really the humidity that is causing me to "wilt".
I can cope better with a "dry" heat.
Now, according to my reckoning, there should be four more Diamond League Events remaining?
This Thursday (tomorrow) - although I cannot find coverage?
And on Saturday , August 27th ( I don't have next week's TV guide as yet)
Then the two remaining ones on September 1st and 9th.
Have you come across any info concerning these?
I am suffering withdrawal symptoms!
Hello, Pigale!
I think you must live on another planet from us!
I, too, would go out in just "shirt sleeves" so to speak, at 18C!
That is quite warm!
I don't know however I would cope, should I have to tolerate temps in the mid -30s, like you have !
I am not in the least envious of you!
Why didn't you make an early morning appointment for your cats' boosters and put them in the cat baskets before letting them out today?
(I'm assuming here, of course, that they stay in overnight?)
That is what we do! (or rather did, with previous cats )