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24th August 2016, 22:55
Hi, Rusty!
No, I haven't heard of it a place in Ireland?
It sounds intriguing?
What do the men do ...turn up and "apply"?
I don't watch much television , apart from Eggheads daily!
Or, of course, when Athletics is being televised, but there is never much coverage of that.
We now have next week's TV guide, and only the highlights of the Diamond League on Saturday are being shown - just one hour's viewing.
A poor do!
I cannot find any trace of Thursday 's Diamond League?
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24th August 2016, 23:15
Hello, Elle!
Lisdoonvarna is in County Clare.
Christy Moore sings about it.
Famous for music festivals and has the oldest matchmaking festival in Europe. There are matchmakers who are third and fourth generation.
Used to be mainly for farmers but for everyone now.
In The Quiet Man, Michaeleen Oge Flynn was the matchmaker, played by Barry Fitzgerald.
Lots of things like that in Ireland.
Will soon be time for the Galway Oyster Festival, and you have just missed the Cork Redhead Convention. Everyone is ginger at it!
I think the Diamond League is on in Lausanne (spelling?) on Thursday.
Live on Eurosport.
I am going looking for a lamp tomorrow!
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25th August 2016, 10:20
Good morning, Rusty!
Another very hot and humid day!
We didn't get any of our prophesied rain and the temperatures haven't yet dropped as promised.
Walking the dog this morning was not its usual pleasure!
There are certainly a lot of fascinating festivals in Ireland!
Do you ever get to go to any of them when you are visiting relatives or friends?
How about the Cork Redhead Convention? You and Miss O'Hara would qualify for that!
From where are you going to buy your lamp? Will you go to Dunelms?
We now have one of those stores near Currys, although I have yet to go inside it.
It is very new.
We are awaiting the gas fitter this morning; he said any time from half ten to twelve.
It will be good to have a functioning oven again!
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25th August 2016, 12:29
Good day, Elle.
Dreich here and not too warm!
I have been to folk music festivals etc.
If there are fiddles and bodhrans, I am happy!
Real music!
Yes, the Cork Redhead Convention is on every year.
It is held in Crosshaven and they elect a King and Queen of the Redheads.
Google it!
I have not been to it, though.
I went to Homebase for my lamp and bulbs.
Almost had the place to myself.
Dunelm is beside Homebase, and my thought process was "it will be less busy at Homebase, so that's the shop for me"
Has your gas man turned up to fit the cooker?
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25th August 2016, 13:10
Hi, Rusty!
I have had to look up 'bodhran'! a shallow one-sided Irish drum!
Yes, I've Googled the Redhead education is certainly being enhanced today!
The gas fitter is with us now........what a very nice man he has turned out to be!
The cooker replacement hasn't turned out to be the immaculate fit that New World promised.......
As I told you, the oven and hob are inbuilt into the kitchen unit...... but the new oven is slightly smaller... the gas fitter (Chris) has set to with a will and is building a new fitment with wood that my husband (who is helping him) had in the garden shed.
I am very impressed!
He could so easily have just given up and gone away!
I hope all will work out well......
I am standing by, offering encouragement and making cups of tea!
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25th August 2016, 13:20
Have been to County Clare (the Burren, chrise!) and Lisdoonvarna (the county town) many times. Was there when a pleasure boat went down, drowning many children who could have swum ashore if only they knew how.
And the 9 year old (or thereby) American boy visiting his cousins who rescued several.
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25th August 2016, 14:07
Hello, Elle!
Seems a grand lad, your fitter!
Do not lose his number in case you may need him again!
If it is only a temporary fix, you can get a kitchen fitter or a joiner to do a permanent job on it.
Any time you mention New World I think of Dvorak!
Well done with the tea, and hopefully a biscuit?
Now, the Redheads.
One girl won a prize for having "the most porcelain skin"?
Not too sure of that one?
What do you think?
Would Maureen O'Hara qualify?
Not seen an osprey since Tuesday, either.
Could they all have gone?
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25th August 2016, 15:25
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, the gas fitter proved indeed to be a "stalwart"!
And he has done a permanent fitting job; excellent carpentry!
No need to get anyone to amend matters.
All is done and dusted!
I have put him down in my little black book!
He will return in October to install the extractor fan, when it becomes available.
He didn't charge much above the provisional quote, either, despite all the extra hard work.
Porcelain skin? Yes, I have heard that term used before.
It simply means very white , translucent skin.
I am not sure about Maureen O'Hara? I cannot recall her well enough...I am sure that you can though, as she is a favourite of yours!
Did she have white skin?
One of my close friends is (or was , in her youth!) a redhead ( an identical twin, in fact) but she and her sister have freckles! So wouldn't fit the bill!
No ospreys in the nest when I have looked in, either, today.
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25th August 2016, 15:35
Hello R
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25th August 2016, 15:39
Oops, start again !

Hello Rusty/Elle,

Don't ask me what happened there - can't even blame the cat!
must be the heat.
Two ceiling fans and one desk fan all on !

I have not seen chicks either and the camera is at a different angle so we can't see the dead tree, their favourite perch - I don't think they have all gone, surely there would be something mentioned on the blog; beside which I am not sure the little male is ready!
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