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22nd August 2016, 16:37
Hello, Eirlys,
That is an excellent link.
Amazing where these phrases come from.
"Little snakesman" was new to me, too!
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22nd August 2016, 16:42
I shall have to google later for Little Snakesman, as I must away to start preparing dinner

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22nd August 2016, 17:01
Eirlys, little snakesman was on the link with Lob's pound.
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22nd August 2016, 17:09
So it is rusty !
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22nd August 2016, 17:11
Elle and Pigale!
There is a new blog up.
It is just about roadworks in the area, so not likely to affect either of you!
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22nd August 2016, 17:20
Hi, Rusty!
Pentonville Prison is north of the river - I think on the Caledonian Road in the Borough of Islington.
I don't think that the prison is actually in Pentonville itself .
It is Wandsworth Prison that is in South London.
Yes, the cooker delivery guys were very efficient - they refused a cup of tea/ coffee but went away clutching two cans of cold coke!
And I now have an alternative number for a gas fitter- recommended by a neighbour - if the other guy fails to return my call by tomorrow.
Thank you for the kick - off start to the Times 15 x15!
I shall start with the Times QC - as it is more on my level!!
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22nd August 2016, 17:41
Hi Rusty,

Thanks but as you say, it does not really affect me!
One chick in the nest - I reckon it's the little male waiting for a fish delivery?

The French Met Office has just issued a yellow warning for 'canicule' - very hot heat wave lasting for several days - Temps around 35C until at least Saturday. I think the Southern half of England at least is going to reach 27-28C. Elle is not going to like it! Don't know if you will be affected.
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22nd August 2016, 17:42
Hello, Elle!
I did not know there was an area called Pentonville.
Just knew about the prison.
You got on fine with the cooker lads.
Very good!
Elle, you have waited long enough on the first gas fitter.
I think you should go with your neighbour's recommendation.
There appears to have been a problem with Windows 10 today involving Skype etc.
Wonder if that is how you did not get your crossword as usual?
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22nd August 2016, 17:48
Hello, Pigale!
No, I did not think a Dunkeld road closure would affect you, too much!
It was nice of them to let folk know, though.
It has turned into a lovely evening here so I hope that is the start of some nice weather!
Yes, I think it is the male, too.
The crows are very noisy!
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22nd August 2016, 19:43
Hi, Rusty!
I shall give fitter no 1 until I return from the park tomorrow morning to answer......if there is no reply by then, I will ring the no 2 candidate!
I want it all organised as soon as possible.
I didn't know that there has been a problem with Windows 10?
Our elder daughter uses Skype sometimes to ring us...when the children want to "see" us!
I tend to prefer the phone!
But the mix up over crossword screen shots was MY fault!
John did send me a message on Friday morning, to tell me they would be away all this my haste to get the boys organised and out......I overlooked the message!
All sorted now!
I need to buy a paper for the remainder of this week!
I have been watching "Make Me an Egghead".
I have never seen this before, although, according to Jeremy, Pat and Dave came on the show through that.
He didn't mention how Lisa came to be there?
Did you see it?
9310 of 30765  -   Report This Post