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21st August 2016, 21:26
Hello, Elle and Pigale!
I have no idea how Brazilian justice works but I I would imagine the police must have something to go on.
They have their experts going through the confiscated phones and laptops.
My opinion of these committees is very low indeed.
If these folk find themselves in Brazilian prisons through their illegal acts, it serves them well, I think.

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21st August 2016, 22:10
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry.....I have been talking to my cousin (as usual on Sunday evening) so couldn't continue the discussion......!
I agree that the Committee members are probably guilty......I just was surprised that they should be jailed in what we would probably call a "high-risk" prison?
And I cannot see a distinction between accused and charged.
I expect we shall hear more.......
Seemingly, we can expect a heatwave according to the News.
I've checked the BBC weather forecast, but, according to that, we can only expect two days of the temperature rising to 27C!
Does that count as a heatwave?
New cooker arriving tomorrow!
They are to phone at 7am to give us our arrival "time slot"!
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21st August 2016, 22:26
Hello, Elle!
I do not know who is guilty, but I do know they are celebrating the investigations of these men, in Ireland.
The Brazilian authorities are allegedly acting on information received from Pat Hickey.
He is supposedly "singing like a lintie".
That is what is being reported in Irish media.
John Delaney, head of FAI is involved now, too.
If you go to a foreign country and break their laws then you land in jail. If Bangu is a tough prison, well that is the Brazilian way. I have no sympathy with these Committee folk who have landed there.
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21st August 2016, 22:49
Hi, Rusty!
And there is more controversy now over the political gesture made by Marathon runner up, Lilesa, who took Silver.
It was lost on me, but apparently the crossing of his arms over his head as he crossed the finishing line was a sign of silent support for the Oromia region of Ethiopia, where earlier this month there was a violent government crackdown.
Lilesa now fears for his safety and possibly even his life on returning to Ethiopia - and for his family.
This gesture of arm crossing was repeated during the presentation ceremony - though I didn't watch that ...did you?
And it wouldn't have meant anything to me at the time is only since I have just been reading about it now, that I can see any significance therein.
I wonder what will happen, since such political protesting is forbidden by the IOC?
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21st August 2016, 23:06
Hello, Elle!
I wondered what Lilesa was doing.
I thought he was indicating handcuffs.
I did not see the medal presentation.
Elle, competing on dope is banned by the IOC, but they pick and choose who they ban for political reasons.
Sharapova, Gatlin. One banned, one welcomed.
I do not think IOC can do anything.
The lad won his medal fair and square, and probably most folk had no idea about his protest.
The IOC should get their own house in order.
Several of them are in Bangu jail!
As a body, I find them very irksome.

9285 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd August 2016, 10:03
Good morning, Rusty!
Warmer than yesterday but a trifle dreich!
We had a 7am phone call to give us a time slot for the arrival of our new cooker.
It will be delivered between 2 and 6 pm today
(or at least the parts that are at present available will come; the extractor fan is not in stock until mid-October!)
I now have to get hold of the gas fitter. Our builders recommended some one......but so far I haven't managed to contact him.......he could of course be away on holiday.
I have checked Gas Safe, but there are three pages of fitters in our's like playing Russian Roulette!
I would rather have a personal commendation.
I'll give the fitter a couple of days to see if he replies.
I shan't know what to do with myself today.
No children and no athletics or tennis!
I'll start with a black coffee and the Times QC.....
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22nd August 2016, 10:23
Good morning, Elle!
Helluva dreich here, too.
I had a jacket on when out earlier.
First time in ages.
Good news about your cooker arriving.
We have Trusted Traders up here.
You'd find a dependable gas fitter there.
You can read the customers' reviews.
I am fairly sure you must have something like that in your neck of the woods?
The crows were at it again today!
9287 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd August 2016, 11:25
Good Morning Elle/Rusty,

Just had a look at the nest, but they have moved the angle of the camera and I could only see a rather nice view of the Loch. There were crows in the nest the last few times I looked in.

Sorry to hear about your weather, here is a beautiful warm day with plenty of sunshine. Think I am going to send some onto you later on in the week!
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22nd August 2016, 12:23
Good morning, Pigale, there is at least one osprey in the tree to the left.
Not easy to see, though!
They regularly sit there.
The crows are helping keep the nest tidy by eating small bits of fish that have been dropped.
Some sunshine would be nice, Pigale!
9289 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd August 2016, 12:29
Hi, Rusty!
My plan for the morning didn't work out as planned!
Firstly, no crossword!
As far as I know, John wasn't going away on I hope that nothing is wrong, and it perhaps just a minor computer glitch that prevents him from sending the screen shots.
Deprived of my crossword, I was just debating a trip out for the paper, when a friend dropped we have been chatting instead!
At least, the coffee part of my plan came to pass though!
Yes, we have a similar scheme to Trusted Traders, and Gas Safe, as I mentioned, is what was recommended by the cooker manufacturers - and by Jazzgirl who kindly sent me the link.
I am only holding fire for a couple of days, to see if the fitter personally recommended by my builder friend does get in touch.
I should prefer someone who has been "vouched for", if possible.
No sign of the osprey nest when I looked in on the site.
As Pigale says, the camera angle has changed - only trees and the loch to be seen?
What are you up to today?

Hello, Pigale!
You sound to be having much weather than us.
Fortunately, our (unforecasted ) rain has stopped and a watery sun has come out.
It is milder than yesterday, but there is a fresh breeze.
I like the slight freshens the air - we have had so much humidity that this is a pleasant change.
Are you up to anything interesting today?
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