Hi, Rusty!
My plan for the morning didn't work out as planned!
Firstly, no crossword!
As far as I know, John wasn't going away on holiday....so I hope that nothing is wrong, and it perhaps just a minor computer glitch that prevents him from sending the screen shots.
Deprived of my crossword, I was just debating a trip out for the paper, when a friend dropped by......so we have been chatting instead!
At least, the coffee part of my plan came to pass though!
Yes, we have a similar scheme to Trusted Traders, and Gas Safe, as I mentioned, is what was recommended by the cooker manufacturers - and by Jazzgirl who kindly sent me the link.
I am only holding fire for a couple of days, to see if the fitter personally recommended by my builder friend does get in touch.
I should prefer someone who has been "vouched for", if possible.
No sign of the osprey nest when I looked in on the site.
As Pigale says, the camera angle has changed - only trees and the loch to be seen?
What are you up to today?
Hello, Pigale!
You sound to be having much weather than us.
Fortunately, our (unforecasted ) rain has stopped and a watery sun has come out.
It is milder than yesterday, but there is a fresh breeze.
I like the slight wind...it freshens the air - we have had so much humidity that this is a pleasant change.
Are you up to anything interesting today?