Good afternoon, Rusty!!
Yes, "stir" is a slang word for prison!
Like slammer, clink, nick , pen, and pound, for instance.
But I didn't know that there is a prison in Brixton!
I have learnt something new myself today!
Various other London Prisons come to mind......(file them away in your mind
for future crosswords from Mr R!).......Belmarsh, Pentonville, Wandsworth, Wormwood Scrubs and Holloway (a women's prison)
There may be more but these are all I can recall.
The oven and hob have just arrived! Half way through the given time slot, so not bad going......
My husband kindly went out to buy a paper for me whilst I awaited said cooker parts!
So I shall now, belatedly have a look at the various crosswords!
And maybe have my second coffee of the day.......