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22nd August 2016, 12:34
Hi Rusty,

Yes, I see them now - (2 when I looked) - I wondered why they were showing a different view.
Are the chicks fishing their own food now? The little male seems to be less mature than his sisters - as is often the case with humans......(!)
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22nd August 2016, 12:39
Hello Elle,

No, nothing special planned for today.
Medical appointments for tomorrow though (basically check-ups)
You seem to be totally lost without lively grand-sons and/or athletics!
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22nd August 2016, 14:07
Hello, Pigale,
Glad you can see them!
It seems to be the male chick that the crows gang up on.
It has been the arrival of one of his sisters that chases the crows away.
The sisters seem more mature than little brother!
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22nd August 2016, 14:25
Hello, Elle!
Maybe your crossword will arrive yet?
Have a look in the trees and you may see the birds.
They sit on branches close by.
I am not up to much.
Have a letter to post and that is it.
Slightly baffled by Times clue today!
"Unchallengeable criminal seen around Brixton, for example (4-4)
I think "cast-iron" for unchallengeable
I think the criminal is con, for "convict",
Which leaves "astir".
A stir could be slang for prison.
Do you know if there is "a stir" in Brixton, which I believe is in London?
Or am I "a drift"?
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22nd August 2016, 14:43
Hi rusty
Stir is def. slang for prison. Maybe in Bradfords dictionary?
HM has a prison in Brixton but this site will not allow me to post link
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22nd August 2016, 14:46
Trying a different link
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22nd August 2016, 15:42
Eirlys, you are a gem!
Thank you kindly for the info and link.
You are correct.
Bradfords has Brixton under Prison.
They also have "Lob's pound"?
Will try and find out who or what Lob is/was!
My London prison knowledge consists of Pentonville, Wandsworth, and Holloway.
They were "hanging" prisons.
And there is a newish one, Bel(l)marsh.
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22nd August 2016, 16:12
Good afternoon, Rusty!!
Yes, "stir" is a slang word for prison!
Like slammer, clink, nick , pen, and pound, for instance.
But I didn't know that there is a prison in Brixton!
I have learnt something new myself today!
Various other London Prisons come to mind......(file them away in your mind
for future crosswords from Mr R!).......Belmarsh, Pentonville, Wandsworth, Wormwood Scrubs and Holloway (a women's prison)
There may be more but these are all I can recall.
The oven and hob have just arrived! Half way through the given time slot, so not bad going......
My husband kindly went out to buy a paper for me whilst I awaited said cooker parts!
So I shall now, belatedly have a look at the various crosswords!
And maybe have my second coffee of the day.......
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22nd August 2016, 16:30


22nd August 2016, 16:32
Hello, Elle!
Well, if you as a Londonish resident did not know about the Brixton clink, how am I supposed to have heard of it!
I had a book once about London murders, and there was a lot about Pentonville and Wandsworth.
They did the executions. One for North of the Thames and the other one for South of the river.
Don't know which was which, though!
Well done, the cooker lads!
And I have given you a start, inadvertently, with The Times crossword!
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