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22nd August 2016, 22:32
Oh dear, Elle!
I think I may have used "cooking with gas" before.
I use the phrase a lot.
it comes from an old advert meaning going well and smoothly...sort of.
You have your desk top running sweetly again.
Is that better?
Speaking of being dim!
For several weeks after doing a crossword I thought there was a star called Celeb, loitering in the Milky Way, somewhere.
But it puzzled me that I had never came across it before.
Then it dawned that celeb was not Celeb but an abbreviation of celebrity.
So, that is one of my many claims to dimness!
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23rd August 2016, 09:57
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here - very hot out already!
I think the temperature today is meant to reach 28C and similar for tomorrow, but after that we are supposedly back down to the lower twenties.
I think the confusion arose yesterday because I thought you were alluding to my new cooker! and I couldn't see how the desk top entered the equation!
I am following your trend of thought now though........!
We are off shortly to the hospital.
My husband has a follow up appointment with the physiotherapist to see how the breathing exercises are helping him.
I think the short answer is that they are not.
Not in the short term anyway. Maybe over a longer time period, he might see/ feel some difference , but certainly not as yet.
Maybe she has some other trick up her sleeve?
I have bought a paper today!
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23rd August 2016, 10:37
Good morning, Elle!
Cloudy with me!
Hope the physio appointment goes well.
I have an appointment at hospital, too.
Think it will be a brief chat with consultant, then out!
That's my plan anyway.
I have been watching the Team GB arrival at airport.
Sky TV were tracking the plane across London.
Past Bromley and Beckenham etc.
Your neck of the woods!
Beckenham is a new name to me, but I have heard of Penge.
Mr Rogan, take note!
Then Trotty and Jason Kenny were on BBC Breakfast.
I read somewhere, and I may have this wrong, that KTJ's high jump in the heptathlon would have won her the gold medal in the woman's high jump competition. Is that right?
Not looked at a paper yet.
Crossword will have to wait until later!
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23rd August 2016, 15:51
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We are now back home - what a lengthy business it can be, keeping a hospital appointment!
We travelled by public transport, as there is little parking available either in the hospital grounds, or in nearby streets.
Nothing new to report - my husband has to keep on doing the breathing exercises, and see the physio again at the end of September.
We did a little shopping whilst in the vicinity and then came home by bus.
How did you get on with your own appointment ?
You seem to have been going to hospital quite a bit recently?
I hope all is progressing satisfactorily?
Yes, Bromley, Beckenham and Penge are all familiar names to me!
Did you get to see anything of the area, or were you simply told that the plane was passing over?
I have never seen a plane being tracked across a route, so do not know what is involved.
Yes, you are quite correct!
Kat's high jump in the heptathlon was 1cm higher than that of the Gold medal winner, Ruth Beitia, in the individual high jump event.
Had she entered that event, Kat could maybe have won Gold!!
I wonder if she will concentrate on the high jump in the future?
I haven't looked at a crossword either, yet!
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23rd August 2016, 16:27
Good afternoon, Elle!
Let us hope the exercises help your husband.
Not long to end of September.
My appointment went very well.
I persuaded my lady consultant to discharge me and she was content to do so, while emphasising that I could always return and she would be happy to see me.
That is pleasing.
And... I went looking for Miss La Bamba and by good luck I came across her at the hospital cash machine.
She had just finished work and I got a lift home!
Great timing!
Sky News had a huge map of London on screen and tracked the plane across the city. Just like Flightaware or FlightRadar.
Just showed the map for several minutes.
No views of the locality or Hill's hoists!
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23rd August 2016, 17:31
Hi, Rusty!
That is very good news resulting from your hospital appointment.
You must feel reassured as to your health!
And it is good to know the door is kept open if necessary without your having to "start again at the beginning" so to speak, should a further visit ever prove necessary (which hopefully will never happen!)
A lucky meeting with Miss L-B !
I have been reading that North Korea's athletes, who failed in their country's expectations of their medal toll, may well be punished on their return home.
Those who were fortunate enough to win medals will be rewarded with better housing allocations, better rations, and maybe a car, but those whom the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, feels have let him down, are likely to be punished by being moved to poorer quality housing, having their rations reduced, and possibly being sent to work in the coal mines as punishment!
Incredible! To do one's best for one's country and to be treated like that!
A pity you didn't see my Hill's hoist in my back garden!
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23rd August 2016, 19:39
Hello, Elle!
I am not so much reassured, but more assuring the consultant that I want no further treatment.
But, yes, it's great that I can go back and see her if I wish.
I did not read that about the North Korean athletes.
What a set up!
I am slightly surprised they are in the Olympic movement.
No Hill's hoists on Sky News!
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23rd August 2016, 19:51
Hello, Elle and Pigale,
Another blog up.
Very informative, it is.
But the main news is, one of the female chicks has started her migration to Africa.
At the the minute, there is a chick and a crow in the nest!
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23rd August 2016, 21:45
Good evening , Rusty!
We have just enjoyed fish and chips (well, in my case, sausage) from the chip shop for our dinner!
This is a treat! and especially welcome at the moment without a functioning oven!
But all is now arranged....I phoned no 2 gas fitter this afternoon and he is coming to fit the oven and hob on Thursday of this week.
So only one more day to wait!
Yes, I have read the brave of one of the female chicks to start out on her flight to Africa!
I hope she and her siblings survive the journey.
Only one chick in the nest when I looked!
I am about to take a look at the crosswords.......very late tonight!
Normally this is an early morning task!
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23rd August 2016, 22:08
Hello, Elle!
You sound like Michelle Obama, in the car!
"This is a treat!" "This is very much a treat!"
Fish and chips. A match made in heaven!
There is an excellent fish and chip shop not too far from me.
They do deliveries, too.
But, my son dislikes it because the man who has it, is an ill-mannered numpty.
So, he goes to one further away.
It is amazing regarding the chick.
How old is she? Around 12 weeks or so?
Heading to Africa on her own.
An epic journey!
May even fly over your house on her way South!
That's good you have the gas fitter calling.
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