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22nd August 2016, 20:02
Rusty, I have just discovered that my "Favourites" has disappeared from the top bar of my computer.
This is extremely vexing!
Would this be something to do with the Windows 10 hiccup, do you suppose?
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22nd August 2016, 20:07

If you right-click an empty area of the button bar, can you check "Favorites"? Otherwise, can you press Alt+F to see the menu bar and then click View>Toolsbars>Favorites?
9312 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd August 2016, 20:14
Hello, Elle,
Windows 10 fiasco was on BBC News text service.
I would not know if that affected your favourites but I doubt it.
Follow Eirlys' advice, she sounds as if she knows what she is talking about!
It will be something fairly simple, I think.
I have not watched Eggheads but have recorded it.
I have over indulged in TV during the Games.
Time for a break!
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22nd August 2016, 20:16
You are brilliant! thank you for your help.
I did as you suggested and clicked on an empty area of the bar....
I hadn't realised, but "View- Tools - Favourites- Help" were all missing!
They came back when I clicked,
I am sorry if I am being a bit dense here, but can you explain (simply please) what must have happened?
Did I do something to make it all go away?
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22nd August 2016, 20:23
I really can't explain why these hiccups occur, but they do .
However, there are always ways of restoring things to their original state.
I was in the middle of typing an email earlier when the font size shrunk (seeminly of its own accord ) from 110% to 40% ! In my haste, I must have mistakenly hit some key, but I managed to restore it.
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22nd August 2016, 20:30
I tried "System Restore" to a restore point of two days ago, to see if that remedied matters - usually that solves most problems - but it didn't in this case.
So again, thanks very much!
9317 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd August 2016, 21:07
Hey, Rusty!
Yes, Eirlys very kindly solved the problem for me.
I still have no idea though as to what caused it.
Usually problems like that can be sorted by "restoring the system" to a previous date - but I tried that and, in this instance, it didn't work.
Anyway, back in business now!
I didn't really enjoy the "Make Me an Egghead" offspin - it is to find two more people to be on the Eggheads team.
I can see that one must be to replace CJ.
I wonder if someone else is leaving?
Or maybe they all want more time off!
I have done the Times QC - and a part of the Times 15 x 15...
But my brain in shut down mode.......going to read......
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22nd August 2016, 21:31
Hello. Elle!
That's fine you are cooking by gas on desktop, now!
Yes, very helpful of Eirlys.
Handy having someone with "computer knowledge" on the Forum.
I used to have "favourites" but did not know they were called "bookmarks" on Chrome, so I never imported them.
i will look at at Egghead's programme tomorrow.
9319 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd August 2016, 21:59
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry, but you have lost me......."cooking by gas on desktop"?
Maybe I am just being dim?
I am certainly tired!
My brain has gone into meltdown.......
Time for a strong black coffee - I shall make an Americano with my coffee machine!
And one more stab at the crossword before I go to bed!
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