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26th August 2016, 07:51
Good morning, Elle,
Misty here, but I hope it shall clear.
I have found "standard lamp" in my dictionary.
My use of "floor lamp" appears to be American!
It looks as if only Eurosport are showing US Open.
That's a pity as it should be an exciting tournament and would be popular viewing on BBC, I think.
The Diamond League was on Eurosport yesterday evening.
I did not see it as my son was here.
The nest is empty again this morning!
9371 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th August 2016, 10:16
Good morning again, Elle,
Just home.
Great day now the mist has cleared.
I had a wee squiz at my 18th ed of Brewer's.
Under "standard" I found,
>In uses such as "standard lamp" (one standing on its own support) and "standard rose" (one standing on its own stem and not trained to a wall or espalier) the word is the result of confusion with "stand".<
So, I wonder if the original phrase was "standing lamp"?
Or "stand lamp"?
Anyway, it is in the language as "standard lamp" and it ain't gonna change now, whatever it means!
How is your heat wave getting on?
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26th August 2016, 10:36
Good morning, Rusty!
I am just home, too!
We went straight to the crematorium with a plant, after my walk in the park.
I thought it better to do that, than having to go out again later in this heat!
Yes, still extremely hot here........we are "told" that the maximum temperature will be 24C by midday - it was well past that when I went out at 8am!!
And still no rain!
Maybe your "mist" is a heat mist?
There are highlights of the 11th Diamond League at Lausanne on BBC1 tomorrow afternoon at 1.10pm, should you want to watch it?
Did your son bring you any goodies this week?
He is very good in that way!
What plans do you have for today?
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26th August 2016, 11:29
Hello Elle/Rusty,

I had a look in one of my English/French/English dictionaries and the translation from our French word into English is 'Lamp Standing'. So you may be right Rusty.

Extremely hot again here too and the market was not very busy - too lot and most shoppers were just buying lots of fruit, tomatoes/lettuce, as well as cold meat from the Delicatessen van or chicken roasted on a broach from a specially fitted van.
Hardly any one queuing for anything that has to be cooked.

Nest is empty again and the blog has not been up-dated yet.

9374 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th August 2016, 13:30
Hello, Pigale!
Standing lamp seems to make more sense, I think.
Your market seems to be very good!
Salad weather!
It is a fine day here, a bit breezy and temperature around 18°C.
Nest still empty.
I suspect the second female chick has gone.
Should get an update later today, they said.
9375 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th August 2016, 13:47
Hello, Elle!
How is your new oven behaving?
Yes, it was a heat mist.
We often get them in the morning.
Called a sea "haar" up here.
I think "haar" is a Norwegian word we have adopted.
My son brought me two items from the butcher!
Stewed steak, vegetables and tatties, and a rhubarb tart.
I have them in my fridge just now, so I do.
Eilidh Child/Doyle ran well at Lausanne.
So did the woman I dislike (me and most of Scotland) intensely.
I have just had a walk and my crossword is finished.
I have ordered three books from Amazon, too.
One on WW1, one on Ireland, and A Town Like Alice.
I thought I had a A Town Like Alice but must have given it away.
One of the rare fiction books I would read!
9376 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th August 2016, 14:00
Elle, I meant to say.
I did not realise that Nevil Shute's full name was Nevil Shute Norway?
He was an aeronautical engineer and used his full name in that career, and Nevil Shute as a pen name, when writing.
Great how we are always learning!
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26th August 2016, 14:27
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I wish that our temperature were more like yours!
I doubt we shall be taking the dog out again today, unless, by evening, the temperature suddenly drops several degrees!
I half - heartedly pushed the hoover around earlier, but it is now too hot to do anything other than read!!
I haven't even looked at today's crosswords yet!
I have "A Town Like Alice" somewhere......
I think Nevil Shute wrote it shortly after he moved to live in Australia?
I have also (many years ago) seen the film, with Virginia McKenna and Peter Finch.
I thought it good, but it missed out such a lot of the book, stopping perhaps a third of the way through.
It missed out all the end where Jean worked to improve Willstown in order to make it a town like Alice Springs......
The book is so much better...... a very good read.
I have read all Nevil Shute 's books once upon a time.
Another favourite of mine is "On the Beach", although this is somewhat different from his usual genre.
Have you read that one?
The new oven is good, thank you!

Hello, Pigale!
Salad sounds very good to me!
I am fading away in this heat......
I don't think I shall need the new cooker!
You are brave to venture out ....I have given up on even the garden.......
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26th August 2016, 14:40
Rusty, I did not know that about Nevil Shute, either!
For all these years, I have always thought that "Nevil Shute" was his full name!
I think I knew that he had another career, but not that his name had ben truncated to use as a pen name!
We live and learn!
9379 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th August 2016, 14:49
Hello, Elle!
No, that is the only Shute I have read.
I liked another by James Michener.
Was about four New Zealand sisters during the war.
They got involved with sailors from the US Navy.
"Until They Sail", it was.
Was quite good.
That is good about your new oven.
Saw that young osprey earlier.
I am convinced his sisters have gone!
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