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19th August 2016, 11:23
Hello Rosalind,

Agreed that the gardens need water - desperately in fact, as since June we've hardly had any rain. It rained solidly in west half of the country but unfortunately here, it was just enough to be annoying to people but only served to take the dust off vegetation, no more.
and now we are back on a warm/dry circle until the end of the month.

Problem is June was rather cold and rainy, so destroyed all hope of nice fruit and farmers generally are suffering a poor cereal harvest - whereas Russia and Ukraine had a bumper crop - not good for our economy!
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19th August 2016, 12:08
Good day, Elle!
A bit dull in my neck of the woods, but dry.
You seem to be enjoying the athletics!
I will look in on the golf later.
Hope young Charley and Catriona go well!
The course looks awful.
Like it was constructed in the middle of a building site.
These Rio Games just emphasise all the more, what a wonderful Games London put on.
I'm just awaiting collection by assorted granddaughters to go for a bacon roll.
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19th August 2016, 13:25
Hi pigale

I have seen lots of tractors and even a combine on the roads, so I am assuming there are some crops here. I doubt there will be many pears- my trees set fruit but then there was a frost and they all, every last one, went black.

It's stopped raining now, but I'm hoping for more later
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19th August 2016, 15:44
Hi rusty
Are you watching the Olympic golf? Lydia Ko (one of your favourites, I think) is making a bit of a charge in the third round.
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19th August 2016, 17:14
Hello, Chris,
Yes, Lydia is going along nicely.
She's even had a hole-in-one!
Quite a few going well, though.
Inbee Park, Charley Hull, Stacey Lewis, etc.
A good competition!
That's Brooke Henderson's older sister, Brittany, who is caddying for her.
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19th August 2016, 18:15
Good evening, Rusty!
I hope you have had a nice day?
Where did you and your granddaughters go for your bacon roll? Did you go to the Pine Cone?
Well, it rained fairly heavily all day here!
We decided to go to the Maritime Museum. An excellent choice!
I was very impressed with the exhibits and the provision for children - working models etc that they could play with and experiment.
All three boys really enjoyed themselves.
And Baby seemed fascinated too - after all, he is five months old now, so all the activity entranced him.
We also went to the playground in Greenwich Park - it gave them the chance to burn off some energy and after, a little bit of rain never harmed anyone!!
But, oh my, am I shattered!
I see that the first doping incident at Rio has arisen.........
An Olympic weightlifter, Izzat Artykov of Kyrgyzstan, has been stripped of his bronze medal after being found with RAT POISON (strychnine) in his system.
The case is being referred to the International Weightlifting Federation , so that the bronze medal can be reallocated.
Well, we wondered how soon it would be before something like that happened........will it be followed by any more?
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19th August 2016, 19:39
Good evening, Elle!
You had a fine family outing!
Me too.
I had my dinner at Pine Cone with two granddaughters.
Was grand. Place was quite busy, I was pleased to see.
I think you would struggle to find a weightlifter who was not on something.
That is my view of the sport.
The women's golf is enjoyable.
Difficult to see who shall win gold!
Gerina Piller going very well indeed today.
I had an exploding lightbulb today.
The glass part shot out of the lamp like a missile!
The lamp and the rest of dodgy bulbs are in the bin!
I'll replace them on Monday.
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19th August 2016, 20:43
Hey, Rusty!
I'm glad you had a good day!
If you remember, we had a similar experience with exploding light bulbs a few months back?
The electrician who was doing some rewiring work for us, said that this was happening a lot with "cheap, inferior" bulbs being sold in supermarkets.
He advised buying them from a reputable electrical shop.
We have done that since, with no problems resulting.
You are wise to have consigned the rest of the batch to the bin!
I have no more news of the Athletics, as I haven't had time to catch up.....I only READ about Adam Gemili this morning.........I didn't get chance to see the race.
What news of the golf? Who is Gerina Piller? You haven't mentioned her before.
The boys are in bed now.......they should sleep well...I think I have exhausted them.......and myself!
They go home tomorrow! One or other parent will come to collect them in the morning.
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19th August 2016, 21:36
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I remember the exploding lightbulbs.
They are dangerous!
The golf is over for today.
One round of 18 holes tomorrow and that is it.
Inbee Park is leading Gerina Piller and Lydia Ko by 2 strokes.
Shanshan Feng is 3 off the lead.
Charley Hull is in a group 6 strokes back.
Gerina Piller is an American lady who has improved year on year for quite a few years.
"If at first you don't succeed...." That's Gerina.
A very good player.
Your house will be quiet when the boys go!
Good photo on the blog of a chick sharing the nest with a crow!
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19th August 2016, 22:06
In spite of myself I watched the show jumping. So glad Nick Skelton finally won his gold. I fell off every time I tried jumping on horseback and retired aged 11. But not before I had broken my arm very badly.
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