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19th August 2016, 22:49
Hi, Rusty!
The rain has finally stopped!
The garden certainly needed it, even if we begrudged having it!
Yes, we shall miss the boys when they go home!
But we shall see them next holiday - halfterm? - and at least our other grandchildren live relatively nearby.
We are fortunate in that respect.
I have just looked at the photo of the osprey and crow temporarily sharing the nest.
Neither seems perturbed by the presence of the other!
I have a question though........when in a couple or so years time , the chicks return to the UK, where will they head for?
Lassie and Laddie return each year to this particular nest.......will the chicks also head here as this was their home? or will they just start afresh elsewhere?

Ros, I cannot ride as such........but I have been pony trekking!
My mount, called Melissa, decided to take to her heels.....then .she turned an abrupt left!
I... er......didn'!
I sailed right over her head!
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19th August 2016, 23:06
Elle, you obviously landed better than I did!
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19th August 2016, 23:19
Hello, Elle!
Another gold with the hockey girls!
Well, if the chicks survive and return, the most important thing for them is a source of food near their nesting site.
So, unless one could take over Lassie's nest they will move to another loch or lake.
The previous occupant of the nest was Lady, who returned for many years. I think she raised around 70 chicks.
Lassie could possibly be her daughter?
I think they are gradually moving South as their numbers increase.
The Lake District would be ideal for them, I think?
And they have hundreds of lochs up here, but most osprey nests are unknown to the public.
This is a deliberate policy.
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20th August 2016, 09:10
I've seen one nesting site in the Lake District, and know of at least two others, Rusty. One is well-advertised. The one I've been to isn't, and a permit is required for access to the whole area, but once you are there there is a lot of information posted.
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20th August 2016, 09:24
Good morning, Rusty!
A very much cooler day at present - fine still as yet, although rain is forecast for midday.
I hope your neck of the woods is brighter?
Will there be fireworks on the Road Bridge?
Boys already packed and ready to go....their dad will be coming for them, as mum has sprained an ankle falling over the puppy!
(Pup is doing well- that is two of us he has downed!)
I haven't yet seen the races in question.......but I hear the GB Men's relay team were disqualified in the 4 x 400 m despite winning their heat for the Final.
It was said that Martyn Rooney had one foot over the line....they have appealed, but I haven't heard the result?
I hope they are allowed to race today.
The Women's 4 x 100m took Bronze; I think the Men's 4 x 100 team only came fifth?
When I get a minute , I shall check all this out and hopefully watch the races on iplayer.
The hockey team did well!
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20th August 2016, 09:57
Hello, Chris,
I have heard of ospreys in Lake District and seen an artificial nest at Rutland Water (not sure where that is?)
The Rutland project has a wealth of info online.
Lots about the translocation of Scottish chicks to Rutland.
And five nests in Wales.
So, they are successfully spreading!
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20th August 2016, 10:14
Good morning, Elle!
It is dry here although it rained overnight.
I do not know about fireworks but there are some sort of celebrations planned. Maybe the lifeboats are involved, too.
My son works in Fife and uses the bridge several times a week.
He says there is something planned for tomorrow but does not know what.
I have not seen the athletics.
Tomorrow I am cheering Slovakia in the Mountain Bike Cross Country!
Peter Sagan is riding.
That is a bit like Andy Murray playing badminton or table tennis!
Sagan said the Road Race course did not suit him so switched to the mountain bike event!
I will tune in to the golf later.
The leaders will go out last.
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20th August 2016, 12:33
Hi, Rusty!
Now I have seen and heard it all, as the saying goes!
It seems the GB 4 x 400 relay team have been unsuccessful in their appeal against their disqualification.
Looking back repeatedly at the race, GB commentators are saying that they can detect no infringement.
But no one seems to know exactly on what the judges are basing this (seemingly unfair) disqualification.
BUT the disqualification of the British team DOES mean the hosts Brazil scrape into the final with the eighth fastest time!!!!!!!!!!
Does this stink strongly....or what?
I think Rio and all it stands for should hang its head in shame!
It has been one disgraceful incident after another!
I am away out to walk the dog....I might get rid this horrible "smell" if I walk long and hard enough......
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20th August 2016, 13:23
Goodness, Elle!
Do not take it personally!
We have known for yonks about the corruption that forms part of the Olympics etc.
Rio has American swimmers and at least two Irish officials held in jails.
Maybe Team GB could take a leaf out of the Irish boxer Michael Conlan's book.
He was on the receiving end of a dreadful decision and told the world exactly what had been going on for years and the boxing authorities were "a bunch of cheating b*****ds" and "I was f*****g robbed" on live TV.
He was right!
I watched the GB handovers and though I certainly do not know the rules, everything seemed fine to me.
If Michael Johnson says the handover is OK, that would do me.
I hope you enjoy your walk!
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20th August 2016, 16:31
Hi, Rusty!
It is cool and blustery out - quite a change from previously.
However, it suited my mood!
I cannot help but feel disillusioned by the Games.
I also think it disgraceful that the competitors cannot leave the Olympic village in safety.
After several attacks and robberies, they have been advised / warned to remain on site in case of more attacks.
Why ever was it decided to hold the Games in Rio in the first place?
I think it is shocking.
But this is my last rant.... I promise!
How is the golf going? and cycling?
It is quiet here now that the boys have gone home!
But we do need the rest!!!!
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