Hi, Rusty!
The rain has finally stopped!
The garden certainly needed it, even if we begrudged having it!
Yes, we shall miss the boys when they go home!
But we shall see them next holiday - halfterm? - and at least our other grandchildren live relatively nearby.
We are fortunate in that respect.
I have just looked at the photo of the osprey and crow temporarily sharing the nest.
Neither seems perturbed by the presence of the other!
I have a question though........when in a couple or so years time , the chicks return to the UK, where will they head for?
Lassie and Laddie return each year to this particular nest.......will the chicks also head here as this was their home? or will they just start afresh elsewhere?
Ros, I cannot ride as such........but I have been pony trekking!
My mount, called Melissa, decided to take to her heels.....then .she turned an abrupt left!
I... er......didn'!
I sailed right over her head!