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20th August 2016, 17:58
Hello, Elle!
Many of us agree about Rio.
The countries that bid for Games do a lot of horse trading to buy votes. It is corrupt.
I was watching the golf most of afternoon.
Gold, Inbee Park.
Silver, Lydia Ko,
Bronze, Shanshan Feng.
It was enjoyable.
I was hoping Lydia would win but her putting let her down today. Inbee Park was a worthy winner.
Charley Hull was joint 7th, I think.
The cycling is on now for the women MTB Cross Country.
I am having a break from TV until tomorrow.
I find TV watching tiring.
Going for a dander now.
I'm invited out tomorrow by another granddaughter!
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20th August 2016, 20:12
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you enjoyed your walk?
How far afield, did you go?
I feel the better for a brisk energising walk.......
I guess there is little point in my agonising over something I cannot change.
I shall try to enjoy what I can of the Olympics and turn a blind eye to the rest!
No more Athletics today, so I am reading.
I was in Sainsburys the other day, and they had some good offers on their books, so I bought several.
I am reading the latest Ian Rankin novel - I like the "Rebus" series.
How about you?
What are you reading at the moment?
Decidedly chilly here!
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20th August 2016, 20:51
Good evening, Elle!
I think you have to accept that an awful lot of sports are corrupt.
The Games are almost over, anyway.
I just have Sagan to cheer tomorrow and that's it.
My walk did not take me far.
I ventured in to a pub on the route!
A drink and a yarn with the staff, then home.
It is not too warm here either and the nights are drawing in.
I am not reading anything, really, though I dip into Para Handy Tales quite often.
It is a favourite of mine.
Have the wireless for company, though.
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20th August 2016, 21:26
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you are right - the Games are, of course, nearly has all gone very quickly!
I think the last batch of athletics is tonight - or rather in the wee small hours of the morning!
I have, in fact, watched very little - in part, due to having our grandsons staying with us, but probably mainly due to the unsociable hours when the Athletic events have been televised.
I've tried to catch up with some by watching the Sports website.
But all in all, not very satisfactory on all fronts.
We have done well in our medal count - but somehow the joy and satisfaction are lacking?
I don't know the Para Handy Tales? what are they about? and written by whom?
Should I have heard of them?
Brrh! We have just been driven to putting the heating on!
Incredible, when only the other day we had the fans on, because it was so hot!
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20th August 2016, 21:43
Hello, Elle.
Must be cold down your way!
I have seen little of the athletics due to the time factor.
No reason why you should have heard of Para Handy.
They were written by Neil Munro over a hundred years ago.
They are humorous short stories.
Para Handy (real name, Peter McFarlane) is the skipper of the Vital Spark, a puffer, sailing from the Broomielaw in Glasgow up and down the West coast of Scotland and the Inner Hebrides.
The Tales are very much an acquired taste.
Not for everyone!
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20th August 2016, 23:02
Hi, Rusty!
Oops, sorry......
I am having trouble staying awake......
Here is a prescription to help one sleep.......regular doses of two delightful small boys taken non - stop for a week!
And yes, it does work....!
No athletics watching for me tonight/ early morning!
I am off to my bed!
Sleep tight - and don't let the bugs bite!
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21st August 2016, 08:19
Good morning, Elle.
Fine day here. Hope it lasts!
Things will be quieter without your grandsons!
Last day of Olympics!
I'll watch a bit of the men's marathon and the Mountain Biking and that will be it just about over, for me.
I'm going out later this morning.
My granddaughter is calling for me.
So, that will be nice!

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21st August 2016, 08:44
One chick in the nest with a fish.
Two crows have turned up and I think the plan is to steal the fish!
So far they have not managed!
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21st August 2016, 10:17
Good morning, Rusty!
It is fine here, also, but the sun is reluctant to show his face......and it is definitely much cooler.
Mind you, I like the slight sharpness in the air - very invigorating!
It was good to see Mo Farah take Gold in the 5000m.
And nice to see Charlie Grice in his first 1500m Olympic Final; which was won by Matt Centrowicz of the USA.
Caster Semenya as expected took Gold in the Women's 800m
(Your bete noire, Lynsey Sharp, came in 6th!)
Like you, I shall watch the Marathon later...although I shall have to record it, as we are going out about noon.
I have looked in the birds there now.........I wonder who claimed the fish?
So which granddaughter are you lunching with today?
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21st August 2016, 10:38
Hello, Elle!
It is warm here.
Miss World Traveler is calling for me, possibly with my grandson, not sure!
Mo was super!
Yes, I knew about Miss Sharp.
There is quite a bit of "traffic" online about her up here today.
Some think she is great, most dislike her.
I am in Camp 2!
But fair play to her, she ran a PB, representing her country, so congrats from me.
I am looking forward to the marathon, then, Peter Sagan!
The chick would not eat when the crows were there.
I think he/she was frightened at these assertive crows.
Could be worse in Africa with crocodiles etc.
Must toughen up!
Mind you, I do not think crocs can climb trees!
9270 of 30765  -   Report This Post