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18th August 2016, 18:32
Hi, Rusty!
We had an enjoyable afternoon at Crystal Palace Park.
The boys liked looking at the (newly restored) Sphinxes and reading all the info set up.
The Brownlee brothers did brilliantly in the Triathlon; Alistair taking Gold, and Jonathan getting Silver.
The biggest upset in the Athletics is that neither Justin Gatlin nor Yohan Blake made it through to the 200m Final!
Astonishingly, Justin Gatlin quite simply was run out!
Blake faded early to take only sixth place.
Apparently Usain Bolt remarked that Gatlin was "getting old"!
He said you could tell that from the 100m race!
Adam Gemili is through.
Danny Talbot did well, coming third in his heat, but didn't make it to the Final.
The Men's 200m Final is being broadcast at 2.30 am !
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18th August 2016, 20:32
Good evening, Elle!
Brownlees did super!
So, if we can see the triathlon, golf, etc during our day, why is athletics on during our night?
Charley Hull is going great guns in the golf.
Joint third with Brooke Henderson.
Inbee Park is leading.
Mr Rogan will be chuffed with me.
I have discovered there is a Tattenham Corner railway station!
I always associated it with Epsom Racecourse!
My son was across the bridge today.
He said there is a lot of bunting up for its 50th.
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18th August 2016, 21:20
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you had a good natter with your son?
This Bridge affair sounds as though it will be interesting. sounds as though you know more than I do about
Tattenham Corner!
I have heard of it , but do not know where it is?
Mr R provided a good "Scottish" clue in the Times QC the other day......I thought of you and meant to tell you .......but now of course it eludes me!
But never say Mr R doesn't think of you!
I am debating whether to stay up to watch the 200m final - but it is very late (or early, depending on how one classifies it) and we have to be up and away early tomorrow for our family outing.
We have decided upon a visit to Greenwich, as the weather forecast is predicting rain, and there are indoor activities there if necessary.
The Cutty Sark; the Royal Observatory; the Maritime Museum, etcetera.
And if it should sunshine.......then there is, of course, Greenwich Park!

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18th August 2016, 21:37
Hello, Elle!
If I remember correctly Tattenham Corner rail station is in/near Epsom, Surrey.
There is no chance of me staying up to watch Olympics!
I'll make do with the golf, and the Tour of Spain starts on Saturday.
What goes on in the Royal Observatory?
Seems to be plenty to see in/around Greenwich!
Yes, my son was here.
He brought me a chicken casserole and an apple pie from his favourite butcher. Amn't I lucky?
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18th August 2016, 22:34
Hey, Rusty!
That is very nice of your son! I hope you enjoy eating both the casserole, and the pie!
The Royal Observatory is on a hill in Greenwich Park, overlooking the Thames.
It played a major part in the history of astronomy and navigation and is known as the location of the prime meridian.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory.
This Observatory was commissioned by Charles II in 1675.
However, the scientific work done there was relocated somewhere else ( not sure where?) in the early half of the twentieth century - and the "Royal Observatory" site at Greenwich is now maintained as a museum.
It is well set out, and children seem to love it!
But probably the Cutty Sark will be the main attraction!
Our "lot" have been there several times, and always want to go again.
Since the "revamp" of the tea clipper, it is now a very interesting project for children.
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18th August 2016, 22:38
Hi both
It's the location of the prime meridian because it was where the "transit telescope" was - in fact there was a replacement, so the meridian moved (about 3 meters, as I recall).

Last time I was there (a long time ago) there was a really great exhibition nof the development of timepieces, culminating in Harrison's no.4.
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18th August 2016, 22:58
Hello, Elle!
I knew I should not have asked about the Royal Observatory!
I have not a clue about prime meridians or mean solar time!
A question too far!
But thanks to you and Chris for explanations.
Yes, my son goes to this butcher regularly.
His products are first class, or is it produce rather than products?
And it is nice my son remembers me when he goes.
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19th August 2016, 08:18
Good morning, Rusty!
A disappointingly dreich day!
( How about that for alliteration!)
Not an auspicious beginning to our day out!
We shall be travelling first by mainline train, and then by Docklands Light Railway, so the boys will have fun!
We are meeting the other family members at Greenwich.
Poor Adam Gemili - so near...and yet so far!
Adam just missed out on a Bronze medal in the 200m by 0.003 second!
Bolt took Gold, De Grasse Silver, and Christophe Lemaitre the Bronze.
Adam and Lemaitre were apparently given the same time of 20.12 seconds, but the medal went to the Frenchman.
Adam Gemili must be absolutely gutted! But what a brave attempt!
Right.....must get organised for "off"........
Have a good day.......catch up with you later.
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19th August 2016, 08:24
Sorry about the weather Elle, I must have sent it on to you - we had rain yesterday !
Enjoy your day nonetheless
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19th August 2016, 09:33
I'm sorry about the rain for elle's sake but not for me! Wonderful! The garden was beginning to die and is now rescued, or will be if it continues.
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