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4th August 2016, 10:54
Hello, Elle!
Maybe the car owners did not know about the roadworks?
Visitors or something?
I am sure my old auntie told me that tar fumes are good for the lungs!
I think they have caught the Russell Square perpetrator.
No, nothing planned today.
Maybe watch the Olympic football.
I have been reading about autograph collecting.
A strange hobby it seems to me.
I do not know the origin of it though.
Paul Newman would not sign one.
Lots and lots of fakes about, too.
8981 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th August 2016, 11:20
Hi, Rusty!
In all fairness to the local Council, I think they virtually covered all eventualities regarding the road works.
Residents received an advance letter; occasional parkers got notes under their windscreens in the run up ; and there were notices at the ends of the road explaining what was to happen.
Also traffic cones and police cones were placed along the road at regular intervals.
One couldn't really fault the planning! Very efficient!
Did you know that the hobby of collecting autographs is called 'philography'?
I have never collected autographs of famous people, but there was a fad when I was at school of collecting autographs - plus a "saying" or a little poem - from one's friends - especially when it was time to leave school and move on to other spheres......
I have made a start on my crossword but have just noticed the time........I must go and get changed ready to go out!
I shall be back about teatime.
Have a good day!
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4th August 2016, 14:35
Good afternoon, Elle!
I agree, your council seems to have prepared properly for the roadworks.
No, I did not know it was called philography.
Just wondered who started it off, and why?
Seems slightly odd to me, although it is taken for granted nowadays.
Crossword not too bad today.
8983 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th August 2016, 17:43
HI, Rusty!
I had a very enjoyable lunch with my daughter and baby!
I forgot to say that there was no "Ladies who Lunch" today, and so when my daughter rang inviting me out to lunch ( her treat!) I was able to say yes.
We went to the local Toby Carvery.
On my return, the workmen were just finishing the road.
They appear to have done a very neat job. Apparently we can use the road again after 6pm this evening.
It must be very quick setting tarmac?
I think though we might well leave the car in situ in the neighbouring road, and collect it en route for the park in the morning.
Now, I looked up the origin of autographs......
According to Wikipedia.........what is considered to be the oldest "autograph" is a Sumerian clay tablet from about 3100BC, including the name of the scribe Gar.ama.
(Who is he?)
But there are no records of any ancient 'written' autographs......apparently the oldest one for a known major historical figure is that of El Cid in 1098.
Not a very interesting or enlightening search.
(Admittedly, it was a 'quick' one!)
So what did you do today?
Did you watch the Olympic football as you thought you might?
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4th August 2016, 18:07
Hello, Elle!
I just wondered how autograph collecting became a hobby?
Seems a slightly odd thing to collect.
That is good about your road.
Probably huge advances in tar technology nowadays.
I have a football game on at the minute.
Iraq v Denmark.
A dearth of spectators!
Stadium practically empty!
Just awaiting my son visiting me.
8985 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th August 2016, 20:10
Hi, Rusty!
I'm not sure whether your son will still be with you?
(I had momentarily forgotten that he came on Thursdays).
I am surprised that there were so few people watching the football match...... I would have thought that competition for tickets to the Games would be fierce, and that they would be hard to get.
Maybe so few because of the Zika virus? or the bad publicity about drug abuse?
Or just "early days"?
There was a cycling question on Eggheads!
Which female British cyclist became Road Race champion in 2015?
Lizzie Armitstead ; Laura Trott; or Victoria Pendleton.
I am sure that you will know the answer!
The Egghead (Barry) didn't know, though!
We have brought our car back, as all the neighbours were so doing.
The road looks good!
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4th August 2016, 20:59
Good evening, Elle!
Well done on your fine road!
It will be worth the hassle I am sure.
I watched bits of two games played in stadiums with a few dozen spectators. Brazil are on now and stadium is full.
Just a lack of interest, I think.
Neither Trotty or Queen Vic were road riders so not a very difficult question.
I am no longer interested in Lizzie and have a good mind to ask for a refund on my corn flakes!
My son was here earlier and we had a great chat about all sorts.
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4th August 2016, 21:58
Hey, Rusty!
It is good that you and your son had a good time talking.
Younger daughter and I covered a range of subjects at lunchtime!
We always enjoy getting together!
Baby is now five months old - sitting up and attempting to crawl!
He is a good "grabber"!
I have to watch my glasses, as he is very quick!
Oh dear! I am sorry you are so disillusioned about Lizzie.
(Maybe get a packet of cereal with Steve Redgrave on it next time!)
Remember how disgusted you were last year when you found out Martina Hingis had tested positive for cocaine (even though it was back in 2007?).........but you seem to have forgiven her now?
I am wondering if all our "idols" will turn out to have "feet of clay"?
Maybe it is better to remain in (happy) ignorance?
8988 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th August 2016, 23:02
Hello, Elle!
The hiring of a very expensive lawyer that others could not afford, to get off on a technicality, is not an indication of innocence to me.
The rules say three strikes and you're out, as happened to Christine Oharugu.
Nor is flippant remarks telling everyone to get on their bikes.
That did it for me. .
And the folk making the decisions on these committees are as bad as each other.
Corruption is rife from the track to the committee rooms.
That is the reality.
And they have the nerve to condemn the Russians!
I shall cheer on Jason Kenny on the track, and the mens and womens pursuit teams, and Trotty in the omnium, but that is all.
Not interested in the GB road teams, anymore.

8989 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th August 2016, 10:30
Good morning, Rusty!
We have another warm and sunny day here!
It was so lovely out this morning that some of us dog-walkers sat on a park bench, or stood around, talking about "things" - being reluctant to go home and go to work or get on with household chores!
So I am back later than usual.......
I see from the computer news that Lizzie is still defending her "innocence"!!
And an Irish boxer, Michael O' Reilly (does the name mean anything to you?) has been suspended from going to Rio by his own Federation for failing a doping test.
I no longer know what to trust or believe about anybody!
Oh dear!
Only one osprey chick in the nest this morning. Has Lassie left ?
8990 of 30765  -   Report This Post