Hey, Rusty!
That was strange about your post!
Almost as odd as what I've been experiencing with some of my emails!
Since Outlook attempted to 'update' Hotmail, I - and also some of my friends who also use Hotmail - have been experiencing difficulties.
In some instances emails are not arriving at their destinations, but of course I don't know that until someone complains that he/ she hasn't heard from me!
At present, I am remedying matters where I can, by sending a general enquiry/ apology if necessary/ letter to friends whom (so I thought!) I had recently emailed.
Some people reply in the affirmative saying yes, no problem, they got my mail - but quite a number, over the last two weeks, are saying that they never heard from me!
I am wondering how many people think also that I have heard from them - when I haven't!
I have complained to Outlook, but they look like " doing a Chambers"!
Yes, a "battler" - that is a good word for Laura!