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5th August 2016, 19:40
Hello, Elle!
Liz looked about 5ft 7 or 5ft 8.
Not q
I used to see her coming out of the local bakers with what looked like a huge bag of cakes!
Eilish is 5ft 11, Laura is 5ft 3.
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5th August 2016, 19:49
Hi, Rusty!
What happened there to your third line?!
I am agog....?
I wasn't far off then in my estimate of Eilish's height!
Our daughters are 5ft 10in.
I am the vertically challenged (adult) one in our family!
Our eldest grandson aged 8, is almost as tall as me and takes a bigger shoe size!
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5th August 2016, 20:00
Hello, Elle!
Liz looked about 5ft 7 or 5ft 8.
Not quite as tall as Paula Radcliffe.
I used to see her coming out of the local bakers with what looked like a huge bag of cakes!
Eilish is 5ft 11, Laura is 5ft 3.
I do not know of Liz's family. She moved away.
I think she is in the Middle East or somewhere like that.
Yes, Laura is a battler. Hope she runs well.
That's good about your road.
Yes, the Bridge will close depending on wind speed.
It is very exposed where it is.
9003 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th August 2016, 20:02
Elle, I do not know what happened with my post.
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5th August 2016, 20:51
Hello Elle and Pigale,
The loch blog has been updated.
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5th August 2016, 21:12
Hey, Rusty!
That was strange about your post!
Almost as odd as what I've been experiencing with some of my emails!
Since Outlook attempted to 'update' Hotmail, I - and also some of my friends who also use Hotmail - have been experiencing difficulties.
In some instances emails are not arriving at their destinations, but of course I don't know that until someone complains that he/ she hasn't heard from me!
At present, I am remedying matters where I can, by sending a general enquiry/ apology if necessary/ letter to friends whom (so I thought!) I had recently emailed.
Some people reply in the affirmative saying yes, no problem, they got my mail - but quite a number, over the last two weeks, are saying that they never heard from me!
I am wondering how many people think also that I have heard from them - when I haven't!
I have complained to Outlook, but they look like " doing a Chambers"!
Yes, a "battler" - that is a good word for Laura!
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5th August 2016, 21:58
Shame we can't see them fly around and attempt to dive; Camera not working at present.
Nice up-date anyway.
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5th August 2016, 22:05
Hello, Elle!
I have no dealings with Outlook.
I very rarely send an email, but use MyMail when I do.
Seems to be OK.
it was Tesco that told me to do it when BT email would not work on Hudl.
I think Laura will not let us down.
Hope she gets a medal.
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5th August 2016, 23:06
Hi, Rusty!
Well, hopefully , this latest blip with Outlook/Hotmail will sort itself out ...I have used my Hotmail email address for years without previous problems, and have no particular wish to change it.
Are you planning to watch the Olympics Opening Ceremony? or a part of it?
Were it showing at a civilised hour, I would probably multi-task....... reading while keeping a vague eye on the Ceremony!
But as it's on from 11.40pm until 4am (!) I think I may just catch the very beginning!
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6th August 2016, 07:55
Good morning, Elle.
Fine day here.
I did not watch Olympics.
Too late for me.
I will catch up with it during the morning but I shall watch the road race later today, or part of it, it goes on for hours.
I am off out now.
Roundabout walk for my paper, then home.
9010 of 30765  -   Report This Post