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28th July 2016, 11:28
Good morning, Pigale!
Best of luck with Peer Review!

Hello, Elle!
Union Cycliste Internationale.
Thermal imaging was mentioned and possibly other "stuff"!
That is all I know about it.
Way over my head!
Yes, my plasterer is here. Very nice lad!
I am trying to "track" La Bamba's flight from Greece.
It is a lovely breezy day here, too!
Enjoy your lunch.
The plasterer and me are having a sandwich!
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28th July 2016, 11:47
Hello Rusty,

Thanks - I hope I have chosen an interesting word ; Difficult task!

They did mention a very new camera that could detect the slightest heat on bikes passing by and used it successfully on every stage as far as I understood.

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28th July 2016, 16:04
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Just home as the rains came!
Another few minutes and I would have been very wet!
Now speaking of the weather ......
Times QC 15A: "French cheeses, might one say, for a picnic? (6)
I quite liked it!
Did you succeed in tracking Miss L-B's flight? Is she safely home now?
Miss O will be pleased that she is back!
I am awaiting a delivery from the petshop.
I have had this on hold wondering when our road was going to be resurfaced, but the Council has now come up with a date for next week, so it was finally safe to organise the pet food delivery for today!
We have a two hour time slot...between 5 and 7 pm.
I have looked in on the ospreys - all three chicks in the nest !
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28th July 2016, 17:18
Good afternoon, Elle!
Yes, that is a good clue. Breeze?
It is a lovely day here....and breezy!
I managed to follow the flight with difficulty.
Normally it is a breeze but today several tracking sites either had not heard of the flight, or said it had not departed yet!
I have not heard from her yet.
Or Miss O!
She should be on her way from Glasgow now.
Have you the neighbours and parking spaces organised for the road repairs?
The chicks are doing well.
I think the local fish population will be glad to see the back of them!
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28th July 2016, 19:12
Good evening, Rusty!
Still raining......
Any word from Miss La Bamba yet? I hope she arrived home safely.
No pet shop delivery as yet.......strange?
I hope they haven't forgotten!
There was a question on Eggheads about Victoria Pendleton!
Asking which well- known cyclist became a jockey?
Regarding finding somewhere to park next week, when the road is resurfaced.....
Unfortunately, it is just a question of driving around neighbouring roads, searching for an appropriate place!
Not an easy task as you might imagine!
Let us hope that this time, the workmen do arrive on the designated day!
Now, what to have for dinner........?
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28th July 2016, 19:23
Hello, Elle!
Yes, La Bamba is home safe!
She texted to me half an hour ago.
I am sure the pet folk wont let you down?
I sincerely hope you got the Eggheads question correct!
Yes, I would say you would have more cars in your neck of the woods than I have here.
I had a fine haddock for tea.
My favourite fish!
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28th July 2016, 20:06
Hi, Rusty!
That is good that Miss L-B texted you!
You will be looking forward to seeing her soon.
No, the pet shop folk didn't let me down!
They just arrived very late --- twenty - past seven!
Ah well, better late than never to use a hackneyed saying!
(Does this have anything to do with Hackney???)
I love of my favourite fish, too.
But tonight we are having liver, bacon and mashed potatoes!
Should be ready in a minute!
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28th July 2016, 20:42
Hello, Elle!
I do not know if it is to do with Hackney and I have misplaced my Brewers.
I have just watched a very entertaining clip on YouTube of Michelle Obama singing Stevie Wonder songs with a lad in a car in the grounds of the White House. it has had 34 million hits!
It is great fun.
The First Lady rocks!
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28th July 2016, 21:56
Hey, Rusty!
Sorry, but any delay in my replying is your fault, because I have been watching - and listening! - to Michelle Obama "rocking" with James Corden!
However did you happen to come across that?
I have looked up "a hackneyed expression" in my Brewers.
Yes, it is related to Hackney the place name.
Brewers states "the allusion is to a weak hired horse , as originally raised at Hackney"!
There is more....but that is the "nitty-gritty"!
(I'll look that up another time!)
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28th July 2016, 22:11
Hello, Elle!
Was not the First Lady brilliant?
She has music in her veins!
I am a fan!
Have to get her on BGT!
I think YouTube "suggested" it to me.
It is amazing what is on there.
I watched a bit of Verdi's funeral last week!
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