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27th July 2016, 18:48
Hello, Pigale!
Putin apparently made noises like threating "revenge" if the banning of Russia went ahead!
I don't know quite was meant ?
Possibly, it is as well we don't have to find out?
But I personally still think there should have been a blanket ban on the country.
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27th July 2016, 19:00
Good evening, Pigale!
It is a mess indeed!
I have discovered that after both World Wars, the countries on the losing side in the War were not invited to the following Olympic Games.
I can not see why that should have been.
8822 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th July 2016, 19:09
The problem is that there are so many other countries whose sport people take drugs - they don't openly admit it, but it still happens, and I fear in almost any sport!
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27th July 2016, 19:11
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I did not realise that swimming came under "aquatics".
That's why I could not find it!
I would not think the UCI would be bothered about doped cyclists.
They knew all about Armstrong and did nothing.
i think I am a cynic!
That is good about your daughter!
Miss La Bamba comes home from Greece tomorrow!
We are all missing her!
I did crossword earlier.
There was one last week that irked me.
It was something about "part of our capital"
Answer was "Mayfair".
I think they should have used a different word to "our", as Mayfair is not part of my capital, or am I being picky?
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27th July 2016, 20:16
Hey, Rusty!
My daughter's work place is extremely forward looking!
They have agreed to my daughter's proposal that, after her maternity leave finishes, she should work only four days a week, with the fourth day being from home.
They have also agreed to her working hours being from 8 am to 4.30 pm
All of which will fit much better around the children.
I think it is a very enterprising and considerate company!
I hadn't realised that Miss La Bamba was still away. Yes, you will all be glad to have her back home!
I hope she has enjoyed her holiday?
That does seem rather a strange clue , referring to "our" capital.....The Times is well read in many countries......."our" can relate to but a few among the many who read the paper.
I don't think you are being picky.
8825 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th July 2016, 22:01
Hello, Elle!
Yes, your daughter's employer seems to be the real deal!
I have not heard a word from La Bamba.
But she is flying in to Glasgow tomorrow and her big sister is very excited!
We have missed her!
"Our" capital, indeed!
Rose nearly got another email!
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28th July 2016, 07:36
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely morning - a bit cool, but the sun is shining.
I see on the News that Russia has seen off the first 70 members of its Olympic team at Sheremetyevo airport.
Its original hope was to send 387 members , but 100 have been banned.
I presume that the fate of some of the others still lies in the balance, awaiting the individual decisions from the various sporting federations.
Those travelling at the moment are members of the volleyball, handball, boxing, synchronised swimming and table tennis teams.
Right, the dog and I are off for a walk now......

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28th July 2016, 08:10
Good morning, Elle!
Fine morning here.
The UCI state that no motors were detected during the Tour.
Nothing about Russian dopers so far, though I would be surprised if any are banned.
I am waiting on a tradesman arriving.
Hope to go for my paper soon!
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28th July 2016, 10:50
Hi, Rusty!
A lovely walk - very pleasant in the sunshine with a nice refreshing breeze!
Did your tradesman arrive ok?
I hope you managed to get out for your paper.
What does UCI stand for? Obviously is to do with cycling.
How do they detect motors hidden within the bikes? I suppose it is by thermal imaging but I'm unsure as to how that works.......the camera must detect inexplicable heat?
But how does it actually work, do you know?
I have a letter unaccounted for in one of my crossword word answers... I will put it up on the open forum ....perhaps I am being obtuse!
"Ladies who Lunch" today!
And I have some shopping to do in Bromley beforehand , so I shall be off shortly.
Back about tea time! Have a good day!
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28th July 2016, 10:55
P. S. I WAs being obtuse! just seen what I've done wrong!
Can go out with an easy mind now!
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