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20th July 2016, 11:34
Hi, Rusty!
When is the final verdict about Russia and the banning? I know they have postponed the decision once.
Going back to what I was saying last night........can you remember the name of the Russian athlete who was advocating that athletes across the board should ALL take drugs?
So as to be on a level playing field and supposedly "solve" the problem?
I have just tried Googling it, but Google will not oblige again.
Yes, we are with BT. But we don't have adverse weather conditions here at the moment.
No idea why there should be a problem!

Hello, Pigale!
When I last looked in the nest , one bird was there - but that was about an hour ago. I'm having intermittent problems connecting this morning - may be weather induced? but still nice here as yet. Perhaps thunder is on its way.......
8641 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th July 2016, 11:43
Hi Elle,

Why is it not possible to have an instantaneous test for drugs? They manage it quite well for alcohol;
What I mean is that if you are taken to hospital as an emergency, they are able to know what is in your body within minutes, so what can't it be the same for sport? (might be a stupid question ???)
8642 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th July 2016, 11:59
Hello, Pigale,
Part of the problem is that athletes not only take drugs, but take masking agents to try and conceal them.
It is really a battle between the the athletes chemists and the governing bodies chemists.
And I am not confident that the governing bodies chemists will win!
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20th July 2016, 12:02
I am but assuming that to be the case, Pigale! I could be entirely wrong.
But I am sure that someone looking in will no doubt be able to offer some positive information
Firstly, I would have thought that if it were that simple.........all athletes could (and would?) be tested before their event.
Generally , a drug screening programme would involve an initial immunoassay, followed if necessary by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry to confirm the findings.
Doing both tests would virtually eliminate false positives or negatives.
But whether this is what happens in drug -testing for illegal substances in sport, I have no idea.
8644 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th July 2016, 13:22
Rusty, just heard that Mark Cavendish has abandoned; apparently he prefers to get ready for Rio !
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20th July 2016, 13:45
Yes, there is a big article about his withdrawal in today's Times.
He says that the heat and intensity of the previous stages have decided him against continuing Le Tour.
In view of his fatigue levels, he wants to rest and be fresh for Rio.
I guess that makes sense.
Like Federer, Nadal and Murray not playing tennis in Toronto next week,
They too plan to rest before the Olympics!
8646 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th July 2016, 13:57
Hi, Rusty1
Google is up and running now - and so I have searched for the name of that Russian athlete who wanted them all to be allowed to take drugs........
It has come up with Tatyana Firova?
This name isn't ringing any bells for me?
Is this who we were discussing, previously?
It isn't at all important really, it's just niggling me that I cannot remember!
8647 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th July 2016, 14:36
Hello, Elle,
I cannot remember the name of the woman.
"Cube" was the first answer I got!
I thought nine was a cube!

I think Cav is wise doing that.
There was only the stage into Paris left, that he could win.
Makes sense to me.
8648 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th July 2016, 15:50
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I got off to a bad start with 1across in today's Times 15x15!
However, I thought Dagnabit's "explanation" was very clever!
I'm finding the puzzle somewhat difficult... I am systematically a quarter way through it and think I may well have given up!
(At best, I am on a "break"!)
I have a clue for you from yesterday's Times QC.
I think Mr. R must have had a hand in it.....
1d: Butcher's ditched the pork, finally - a big blow (5)
(I quite liked it!)
It is very hot here now - the freshness of this morning has gone - 29C apparently and very humid.
Has your storm blown over?
8649 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th July 2016, 16:14
Hello Elle,

I've been having connection problem on and off all afternoon - most annoying since I watch Le Tour on the computer. (No TV except for DVD - They went digital not that long ago and I need to update everything)
Swiss Alps scenery absolutely beautiful, with the Mont Blanc in the back ground (seen from the Swiss side)
It is less hot temperature wise than yesterday, (only 31C) but it is a humid heat, which makes it less bearable. We too might have storms later.

One chatty chick in the nest at present.
8650 of 30765  -   Report This Post