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3rd March 2016, 16:11
Malone, I have just finished the puzzle and that was last in.
The two words are distinctly different in pronunciation.
I completely agree with you.
I think The Times puzzle needs to take a good look at itself!
6431 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2016, 16:28
Thanks, Rusty. I was (am) quite indignant as I think the words are totally different!
6432 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2016, 21:23
Hi, Rusty!
How has your day been?
Have the painter and Maggie finished now - and are you pleased with the results?
What is next on the agenda - carpets or blinds?
We have had a great day with our young grandson - he has loved sleeping over......... and wants to come again next week!
Obviously , it was a success!
Our daughter and new baby were not discharged from the hospital until 6.30 pm - so it has been a very long day for everyone!
We took "Big Brother" home and stayed there a while cuddling the baby!!
Now back home and utterly exhausted!
Very pleased and delighted though!!!!!
6433 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2016, 21:47
Hello, Elle!
All good news about the new member of the family!
You will be missing your little "playmate"!
Painter finished just before noon.
Quiet without him!
Carpets get fitted on Monday afternoon and windows are getting measured up for blinds tomorrow morning.
Making good progress.
Things are going like a well oiled clock, speaking of which, I noticed my watch was on day 4 today, instead of 3.
It did not know, or care, that it was a leap year!
I have suggested a bacon roll to La Bamba tomorrow, but no reply to my text, so far!
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4th March 2016, 10:00
Good morning, Rusty!
Goodness, I was tired yesterday evening! I fell asleep soon after I'd spoken to you - I sat down with my book........and knew no more until I was awakened much later to go to bed!
A lovely day here! Bright and sunny! Cold though!
We had a great walk.
I hope you are enjoying similar good weather?
No further news as yet about yesterday's new arrival - hopefully somehow they are all managing to catch up on some sleep!
Daughter said she would ring when she found a good moment!
They were "caught on the hop" with baby arriving two weeks early! There had been plans afoot to do some last minute reorganisation before he arrived!
What have you got planned for today? Did Miss La Bamba text you back? Are you off out for a bacon roll?
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4th March 2016, 13:07
Good afternoon, Elle!
Great day here too!
How is the wee chap today?
Been a positive morning for me.
Windows measured and blinds chosen (I am getting ones that open with a wand?).
And i have had two runs to the skips, and one to the ASDA vacuum cleaner to get all the stour out of my car.
Not heard from La Bamba.

Malone, another of these very irksome clues in The Times today.
Sounding more complaining after new infection (9)
6436 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th March 2016, 13:20
rusty do you need the answer to 16d or are you just complaining about the quality of the clue ?
6437 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th March 2016, 14:46
Good afternoon, Rusty!
You have been very busy!
Are you having venetian blinds this time then?
I have some venetian blinds in my kitchen /diner that open with a wand.
(I thought your others were roller blinds?)
Youngest(!) grandson - Big Brother has been promoted! - is fine!
BB has insisted on staying home from Pre-school today to "help" look after him!
I think mum is feeling a tad harassed! it seems the "help" is never ending!
(I guess his heart is in the right place!)
Our son -in -law only gets two weeks' paternity leave - one on full pay, and one on very little pay.
So I think he will just take the one week, as the Easter holidays will soon be upon us and as he is a teacher he will get a fortnight's holiday then.
And of course he will have the six-weeks long Summer holiday ahead.
And we are always here to help out when needs be.

(At least the answer to today's Times clue does sound like a homophone!
Abysmal though the clue is!)
6438 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th March 2016, 15:12
Rusty,I could be moanier than you about today's clue/answer. Still, I don't think it's as bad as yesterday's 'sauce' sounds like 'source' nonsense!
6439 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th March 2016, 15:29
Sorry, ChrisG, just having a wee rant!
Puzzle is solved, thankmyou.
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