Good afternoon, Rusty!
You have been very busy!
Are you having venetian blinds this time then?
I have some venetian blinds in my kitchen /diner that open with a wand.
(I thought your others were roller blinds?)
Youngest(!) grandson - Big Brother has been promoted! - is fine!
BB has insisted on staying home from Pre-school today to "help" look after him!
I think mum is feeling a tad harassed! it seems the "help" is never ending!
(I guess his heart is in the right place!)
Our son -in -law only gets two weeks' paternity leave - one on full pay, and one on very little pay.
So I think he will just take the one week, as the Easter holidays will soon be upon us and as he is a teacher he will get a fortnight's holiday then.
And of course he will have the six-weeks long Summer holiday ahead.
And we are always here to help out when needs be.
(At least the answer to today's Times clue does sound like a homophone!
Abysmal though the clue is!)