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2nd March 2016, 15:40
PS, Elle.
Lindsey Vonn is out for the season.
She has three cracks in her knee, apparently.
She'll be back next season!
6411 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2016, 16:39
Hi, Rusty!
That is great news about Victoria's win!
I'm glad too that you were able to watch the race, after all, as you have followed her change of career with much interest.
(Imagine being "forced" to place a bet"! I've heard some excuses!)
Seriously, I'm really pleased for her!
All set, then, for Cheltenham?
A pity about Lindsey......she probably shouldn't have raced the day following her fall? She most likely exacerbated the condition.
So you still have the cycling to watch this evening?
All is well with the car - my husband has just left to go and collect it.
I don't think he is very pleased with the cost though....Volvo kept upping the price... a bit more to do this, that and the other.....
We decided to go with the Volvo service this first time.......but think in future we will stick with our own mechanic.
Much cheaper! and we know he is reliable!
How did the painter (and Maggie) get on today?
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2nd March 2016, 16:58
Hello, Elle!
Great for Vic and Pacha.
I could not watch the race unless I had a bet on.
Paddy P rules.
Poor Lindsey. One crack in your knee is bad enough, but three!
I think Team GB could do with Vic back in the team.
I hear the women sprinters will not be going to Rio after today's performance.
I would stick with your own mechanic.
Avoid the Volvos of the world.
Painter is going great. He finished at 12.30 today.
Job will be complete by noon tomorrow.
Just waiting on quote and date from my carpet fitter now.
He is snowed under with work!
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2nd March 2016, 18:36
Hi, Rusty!
Great excitement suddenly ..........our daughter has been admitted to is on the way two weeks early!
It looked initially as though he/she might put in an appearance today, but the verdict is now probably sometime tomorrow.
We have our youngest grandson (the four-year-old) here, as his dad is of course at the hospital with mum.
We are in charge!
So he will be staying with us tonight!
He says he is looking forward to his sleepover!
(I'm not sure just how much sleep we shall all get!)
I shall keep you informed as and when....!
6414 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2016, 20:02
Wow elle, everything crossed.
Let us know soonest
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2nd March 2016, 20:10
Hello, Elle!
Exciting times, eh!
Babies just please themselves when it comes to an appearance!
And you are looking after your grandson.
It does not get any better than that!
The excitement is mounting!
As Rosalind said, keep us in the loop!
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2nd March 2016, 21:53
No word from the hospital...all quiet on that front!
A lot more active on the grandson front though!
I have put him to bed twice already! - and he has reappeared each time to see if the baby has arrived yet!
It's a bit like Christmas Eve and waiting for Santa Claus!
He is supposed to be sleeping in the bedroom where we have twin guest husband laid down on one of them to keep grandson company...husband is now fast asleep, and grandson is downstairs again playing with building blocks!
I'm wondering if I shall ever get to bed tonight!!
Grandson is far too excited .........
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2nd March 2016, 22:30
Hello, Elle!
Your grandson sounds like he is going to be a good big brother!
Exciting times!
Nina Carberry has Twittered a very nice Tweet praising Victoria.
They will clash at Cheltenham!

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2nd March 2016, 22:47
Hi, Rusty!
Latest report....grandson now asleep - this time in OUR bed!
It looks like there will be four in our bed tonight...if we include the cat, who always insists on sleeping with us!
How nice of Nina to praise Victoria - it is good to see 'friendly' rivalry!
Roll on Cheltenham!

6419 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2016, 07:29
Good morning, Rusty!
Good news!
Baby boy born 1.49 am today!
8 lb 4oz
Mother and baby doing well!
His elder brother is still fast asleep after his late night!
Just waiting for dog to be collected for her walk!
6420 of 30765  -   Report This Post