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28th February 2016, 09:29
Elle, update on Lindsey Vonn.
She has had her knee drained several times overnight and appears to be quite chipper.
She is going on to the slopes to test her knee, then decide if she races or not.
Superwoman couldn't hold a candle to Lindsey!
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28th February 2016, 10:30
Hi, Rusty!
Has Lindsey decided to race? How did the 'experimental trial' of her knee go?
I shouldn't have complained that last week's Everyman was too easy! I am struggling with today's version!
I have only completed about a third so far.
I hope you like the Scottish Herald.
Does it have a worthy crossword?
6382 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th February 2016, 11:46
Hello, Elle!
Yes, she is racing and is leading, so far.
Race not over yet though.
She leads Kajsa Kling and Laurenne Ross.
Second run to come yet.
I have not looked at the Herald so far.
Later in the day.
I would doubt if it is difficult crossword though.
Weather is super here.
Beautiful blue sky, but it is cold!
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28th February 2016, 13:13
Good afternoon, Rusty!
How is Lindsey doing now?
The Everyman was fine once I got going!
I enjoyed it better this week as I had to struggle at first to get to grips with it.
More satisfying!
The weather has improved dramatically! We now have blue skies and sunshine - although my tentative trips into the garden have shown how very cold it is!
However, we are now about to go out for a long walk - suitably "layered up" against the icy temperature.
Catch you later........
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28th February 2016, 15:07
Hello, Elle!
Can't find out anything about Lindsey.
Not on Eurosport.
Maybe weather problems.
Same with Victoria. All quiet.
She is riding at Larkhill, Wiltshire, today.
The Herald was reasonable.
I doubt if I would buy it again, though.
There is a prize crossword, but I am not doing it.
It is a great day here, too!
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28th February 2016, 16:44
Hi, Rusty!
We had a great walk! It was beautiful out but the north easterly wind was biting.
We have just about thawed out!
Have you finished your clearing out ready for the painter 's arrival tomorrow?
It will be all go once he gets there!
I have just been talking to my elder daughter on the phone.
She is having an extension built onto her present kitchen in their new house (well, not so "new" as all that, as she has been there for about twelve months now. Times flies!)
It is chaos apparently!
The boys will be staying here with us by themselves in the Easter holidays, whilst the internal wall is knocked down.
I'd better get fit, ready for the onslaught!!
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28th February 2016, 20:25
Hello, Elle!
Yes, all ready for Maggie and the painter.
That's good you have the boys visiting at Easter.
Canada's Marie-Michelle Gagnon won the skiing.
Vonn finished down the field.
Victoria was 6th at her point to point, and sits down with Paul Nichols tomorrow to plan her ride on Pacha at Wincanton.
It is quite cold here this night.
Winter has returned!
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28th February 2016, 21:50
Hi, Rusty!
It is bitterly cold here, too! I had thought Spring might be on its way, but Winter has definitely returned with a vengeance!
I was shivering after just opening the patio door for the dog to go out into the garden!
Victoria did well today then!
I presume that how she does on Pacha at Wincanton will play a big part in deciding her fate for Cheltenham?
I have just been having my weekly (hourly) chat with my cousin in Blackburn. All up there are well.
What time are the painter and Maggie coming tomorrow?
Shall you have time to go out first for your paper?
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28th February 2016, 22:36
Hello, Elle,
Yes, Wincanton could be key.
As I understand it, Paul wants to discuss tactics with her, which suggests he is looking for a prominent run.
She is going the right way and things will be a lot clearer after Wednesday. I have a good feeling about Wincanton!
Cheltenham is just over two weeks away.
My painter will be arrive just after eight o'clock.
I usually wait until he has started and then go to the shop.
Good to hear all is rosy in Blackburn!
6389 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th February 2016, 09:48
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely frosty morning! Beautiful out!
I expect your painter and Maggie MacPherson are already very busy by now?
Have you been for your paper?
We have to go to see the GP in a little husband had to have some blood tests done to check out the effects of the change in his medication, after the recent false "scare", so this is to discuss the results........
I am going as the "cavalry"!
Just having a quick coffee and an apple..........
6390 of 30765  -   Report This Post