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4th March 2016, 15:42
Hello, Elle!
It does not come close to sounding like a homophone in my neck of the woods!
Are these "wands" easy to operate?
I am getting "vertical" blinds. Beige coloured.
I am not sure what Venetian blinds are?
And I have been on my knees washing the floors ahead of the carpets arriving on Monday.
I should have been a charmannie!
The new arrival seems to be in good hands anyway!
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4th March 2016, 16:39
Hi, Rusty!
Now, I do not have a quarrel with "monia" and "moanier" sounding the same! (except that I think it's a terrible clue!)
I fully agree with you though that "sauce" and source " do not sound at all alike !
Venetian blinds are horizontal slats (whereas yours are vertical) but the principle will be the same, I imagine.
The wands are easy to do - you just twizzle the end!
I have just been ringing Bromley Council to notify them that the rubbish collectors did not take our non- recyclable rubbish today........ guess where I got through to???
The delightful lady to whom I spoke told me that her switchboard takes half the calls to Bromley - seemingly it's pot luck whether you get through to Kent or Cumbria!
I wouldn't have found this out if I hadn't remarked on her Lancashire accent and asked her from whereabouts she came !
She told me that I was through to Cumbria, but that she used to live in Lancashire!
So we had a nice chat about Bolton and then the floods in Cumbria!
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4th March 2016, 17:56
Hello, Elle!
I do that!
Always ask where they are when I phone a helpline.
Spoke to some nice folk in Durham, Livingston, Belfast (my tax office is in Belfast for some reason) etc.
Wonder why Cumbria takes Kent calls?
That's good you had a nice chat.
She would be pleased to hear about the new baby!
And last week it was "sort" and "sought".
Twizzle? Is not that a caramel bar or somesuch?
It is a lovely evening here and we have missed the snow that fell further South.
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4th March 2016, 20:05
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been speaking to my cousin in Kirkintilloch!
She rang to ask after the baby - and to tell me all their news!
(It is she who has the grandson at Strathclyde University, where your friend lectures.)
She tells me that they didn't get any snow either!
Yes, a mystery as to why Bromley calls should be taken in Cumbria! The phone number is local London one, too!
Twizzle may well be a chocolate bar? but in Chambers it says it means to "twist or turn"!
There was a clue about London in the Times2 today....not a crossword that I much enjoy, but I do it as John sends it to me together with the Times QC.
9A: Town north of London (7)
I think "Londonisms", golfing terms, and homophones seem to be the order of the day!!
Any word from Miss L-B?
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4th March 2016, 20:32
Hello, Elle!
All quiet on the La Bamba front.
I am being collected by Miss Around the World tomorrow though.
We are shopping for a Hudl replacement.
Well, there you go, I did not know that meaning of twizzle.
Is it a regional word? It is an ice dancing term too.
And was a Gerry Anderson puppet, I vaguely recall?
I am not up on Times2, but I know Watford is North of London?
So are a multitude of towns, though.
How far North are we allowed to go? Burnley? Falkirk?
I have had a small wager on Lara Gut in the Giant Slalom tomorrow. Vikki Rebensburg is favourite.
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4th March 2016, 21:47
Hi, Rusty!
Does Miss ATW have any ideas for a replacement for your Hudl?
(Mine is behaving well since its update)
I don't think that "twizzle" is a regional word? The verb means to twirl or spin and the noun "a twist or turn".
So yes, I can see that it could be used in ice-skating terminology.
But I haven't heard of the name with regard to Gerry Anderson? I am sure you are right, but my knowledge stops at Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet!
You have reminded with your mention of puppets........when I was a small child and went on holiday to Fleetwood - do you know it, along the coast from Blackpool? - my parents would take me to a marionette show that was held every afternoon in an open air theatre........
I loved it! It was magical!
Ah, a walk down Memory Lane..................!

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4th March 2016, 22:12
Hello, Elle!
What was the town North of London?
We both think we shall get me a Samsung tablet.
Ipads are very good but overpriced, so they are out.
So I think a Samsung.
I have heard of Fleetwood.
I could be wrong regarding Gerry Anderson?
Just a hint of a bell ringing.
Maybe Miss ATW and me will get a bacon roll tomorrow.
I suspect La Bamba's phone is on the blink when she is not responding.
I think my day will be busy tomorrow.
Rooms are ready for carpets and blinds though, and no more skip runs in the offing!
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4th March 2016, 23:42
Hi, Rusty!
It was Watford as you suggested! Sorry, I should have given you at least one crosser as obviously there are so many towns of seven letters north of London!
But of course it was always going to be Watford.... I don't think a lot of these crossword compilers "think outside the box"........
I haven't heard much about Samsung tablets?
I thought you had a Chrome book? or am I muddled up? (quite possibly!)
Are the two not similar?
You know me and technology!
Do you have Sport to watch tomorrow, as well as going out with Miss ATW?
Look at the time!
I should head for bed........'Night!
6448 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2016, 07:14
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here.
Samsung have a good range of tablets.
But which one to buy?
Apple and Samsung dominate the tablet market.
I already have a Samsung TV and mobile phone, and I like Samsung products.
The Chrome book replaced my laptop.
Today there is a bit of sport for me.
The Strade Bianche (one of the top Italian bike races) is on, on terrible roads, and I shall be cheering Cancellara!
The Giant Slalom in the Alpine Skiing.
My local football team are on TV.
Horse racing is on, and the World Cycling Championships from Lea Valley, and golf in the evening. So, a good day for me.
I like Saturdays. The crossword will keep until tomorrow!
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5th March 2016, 09:29
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here, too, at present! but we are apparently forecast rain later on.
We shall see.......
Yes, Samsung seem a good reliable firm.
We have a Samsung washing machine. I am very pleased with that!
And my husband's previous phone was a Samsung, although our daughter bought him a Microsoft one for his birthday in January.
What a lot of sport you have scheduled ....however will you fit all that in with going out with your granddaughter to buy a tablet, and possibly also indulge in a bacon roll?
Busy, busy!
Maybe you can record some of the Sports programmes?
I have the Davis Cup to watch today - and tomorrow!
Just going to have a quick glance at the Jumbo GK now .........going out about midday.........
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