Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am glad that you managed to buy a new tablet that met your specifications!
And a Samsung one at that!
And you managed a bacon roll at the Pine Cone as well.
That is good!
(Not so good that you missed the skiing!)
We have just come back from a walk..... we were fortunate in that we missed the rain!
We were out walking for a couple of hours - just got back in the car..........when the heavens opened!
How about that for excellent timing on our part?
The Jumbo GK was a doddle......... I'm beginning to sound like Quixote!
(What happened to him? We haven't heard anything from him for a long time....)
I see I missed a discussion about homophones again......I didn't find much wrong with "monia" and "moanier", but cannot countenance "sauce " and source", nor "flaw and floor" - and definitely not "fought" and "fort!
(I wonder why Malone thinks the English would put an "R" in "fought"?!)
No doubt regional accents are playing some part in this? But surely the complier should go with "BBC English"?