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6th March 2016, 20:51
Hello, Elle!
There are sour folk going about.
She was a multiple World Champion on the track and has every right to commentate if invited.
Nine Rainbow Jerseys and two Olympic golds say there is no one better. She has been on an amazing journey this past year and all credit to her.
Yes, I heard about Francome.
On the positive side she has Mick Fitzgerald, Nina, and Paul Nicholls rooting for her. And the Stewart family, who own Pacha.
Yes, carpets tomorrow afternoon.
6471 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2016, 21:53
Hey, Rusty!
I have just been having my weekly hour long chat with my cousin in Blackburn.
Her two grandchildren (cousins; a boy and a girl) are eighteen months older than my eldest grandson.
So sometimes we swap "horror" stories! It can be quite entertaining!
I need to go shopping at some point to buy little presents for the baby and BB.
We have already bought various items for the baby himself before he was born, but I want to get gifts that include BB, too. He mustn't be left out!
I was planning to do that this coming week , but baby arrived precipitously and I was caught on the hop!
I had got them cards!
I also need to ring the dog groomer.... I had to cut the dog's "fringe" today as she could barely see where she was going!
6472 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2016, 12:11
Rusty, Elle et al...out of curiosity, I'm wondering if this clue works for you.

Times Quick Cryptic
19 A. For example, Othello encore on the radio? (4)

(I think the '?' is the setter's escape route!

In the interest of balance, I liked this clue from today's Times Crossword.
1 A. Scotsman's cry of surprise tucking into cheese roll (7)
6473 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2016, 12:23
Hi, Malone!
I bought a paper today (friend away) and have done both those clues!

Yes, I especially liked 1A in the Times Cryptic 15 x 15!

There is a homophone in 5D! I couldn't quarrel with that one?
6474 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2016, 12:51
Good afternoon, Elle!
Smashing weather here, but cold!
Victoria WILL ride at Cheltenham!
She announced it at press conference earlier.
I am awaiting my carpet fitter.
Getting a visit from granddaughter/s later!
6475 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2016, 13:00
Hello, Malone!
19, Moor and more? Distinctly different.
Setter is mad! Think he needs a new radio!
1a seems familiar?
Was it in recently?
And today's Londonism is...
Showing impatience on road in area south of Wandsworth (7)
I know Wandsworth is in London.
It appears the answer is Tooting?
Tooting is a name I do not recognise.
Wonder if it appears in Mr Rogan's tube map?
6476 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2016, 15:04
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Beautiful here, too , but also very cold! Invigorating is the word for it, I think!
What great news about Victoria! I am so pleased that she is being allowed to ride at Cheltenham!
Roll on the Day!
I have discovered on Google that you can listen to the correct pronunciation of words spoken (supposedly) in BBC English!
Try it!
"Moor" and "more" (in the Times QC) definitely do NOT sound alike!
(Maybe we should send the link to Mr. Rogan?)
There is another homophone in 5D on the 15 X 15 but I cannot take exception to that one.
"Rustle" and "Russell"
I thought the "Tooting" clue was a good one?
There are two "Tooting"s on the Tube map" - Tooting Bec and Tooting Broadway!
(You will have realised by now that I have the paper today! John is away on yet another holiday!)
There are one or two clues that I cannot parse ....I shall post them up on a separate thread....
Is the carpet fitter with you? and the granddaughters?
........ or are they coming later still to "inspect" the carpets?!
6477 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2016, 15:07
Rusty, Elle, anyone else (I don't want to give the impression of exclusivity - everyone's welcome).

I didn't mention 'Tooting' as I didn't want to come over as obsessive. There are underground stations at Tooting Bec and Tooting Broadway - that's as much as I know (or want to know).

The 'Brioche' ('Scotsman's cry of surprise tucking into cheese roll') was good. Rusty, I think Brioche HAS cropped up recently, but I can't remember where.

The Moor 'sounds like' More is just nonsense! I didn't mind Rustle/Russell as these do sound similar.
6478 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2016, 15:43
Hi everyone,

Elle and Rusty, I envy your nice weather ! Wind, snow, hail and thunder, you name it, we have it !

Have not put my nose out and don't intend to except for closing the shutters.

I liked the 'brioche' clue but not so much the 'tooting' one - which I did not find !
6479 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2016, 16:07
Hello, Pigale!
It's going very dark here...I fear rain may be coming!
You no longer need to feel envious!
St. Georges - one of our large hospitals - is at Tooting!
I appreciated the clue - I though it was funny! but then I guess it's different if one has heard of the area.
I thought the "brioche" one was good!
6480 of 30765  -   Report This Post