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29th February 2016, 13:26
Good afternoon, Elle!
Hope all was well at the GEEP?
Fine day here.
Maggie and the painter are away.
Back tomorrow.
Two rooms stripped, and repairs done to plaster etc.
Prep work!
Pacha's owner, Andy Stewart, is very supportive of Vic's ambition to ride at Cheltenham.
He says it is great for racing to have someone of her calibre changing sports and taking on the challenges of horse racing.
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29th February 2016, 14:45
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, thank you, all okay at the GP!
The tests are to be repeated in about three months - it's good to know that a check is being kept since the change of meds.
Your painter is very efficient! Two rooms already stripped and re-plastered where necessary.
(It must be the porridge? Workmen don't work that quickly down here!)
It all sounds good for Victoria - fingers crossed for Wincanton! Is that in Somerset?
Did your son's move go ok? Are you needed to help re-settle them in their new abode?
Glorious here - just going out again for another walk...........
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29th February 2016, 16:10
Hello, Elle!
That is fine regarding your husband and tests.
I am mostly pleased with my doctor, too.
The painter had a helper for the stripping but they worked quickly.
No helper tomorrow. Just Maggie Mac and the painter.
Wincanton is in Somerset, yes.
Ths fences are tough there, but I am sure Queen Vic will be well warned about them, as Paul Nicholls trains not too far away, at Ditcheat, and often has runners there.
All quiet on the house move.
I have left them in peace.
I believe they have sufficient willing hands to help.
They have hired a van and are doing it themselves.
That would not be my approach!
Hire the pros and stay out of their way would be my tip!
Fine day here and the plaster repairs are drying out nicely!
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29th February 2016, 17:32
Hi, Rusty!
We had a nice energetic walk! And the dog had a very enthusiastic run! One of these days she will learn to slow down!
Beautiful out but still on the chilly side - not as icy as this morning though - the lake has thawed.
Have you yourself been out for a walk since your painter left?
I fully agree with you - I too would hire someone to do the removal.
Although I guess we would have to do a lot of "de-cluttering" first, if we ever thought of moving house!
As it is, it would be a mammoth task - we have so much stuff!
In fact, I'm thinking that before we next do some decorating, and order our new carpets, I should think about "having a sort out" - but it's the sort of job I would keep putting off until "tomorrow"!!
(and I hate throwing anything away! I might "need it one day"!)
I hope your son and family are soon straight though - and enjoying their new home!
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29th February 2016, 21:52
Good evening, Elle.
No walking for me!
Have a list of "to do" things to organise.
A carpet fitter/supplier to find, and a blinds man to contact.
And my car is making a strange noise!
Always something!
Still cold here.
Katie Walsh, the top Irish jockey, has spoken out in strong support for Vic. Good to hear, have to get Nina on board too!
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1st March 2016, 10:34
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich here but milder!
Bring back the cold and the frost and the sunshine!
How are you getting on with your list of things "to do"?
Re our locality we have a branch of 'Carpet Right' - we have bought carpets from them in the past and they seem to offer a reasonable selection and good service regarding measuring and fitting etc.
Do you have this chain of shops up near you?
Yes, you mentioned recently having some trouble with the car - do you think it is the same problem?
Our Volvo goes in for its first service (since we bought it) tomorrow morning! I hope there are no difficulties. All is well so far as we know!
It has to be there very early, so although I shall get a lift up to the park for the dog-walk, I shall have to walk home afterwards.
Luckily it isn't too far - just short of a mile.
Right.... coffee and a look at today's crossword now, I think.......
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1st March 2016, 10:54
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely morning here!
Yes, I have made progress with the carpets.
Phoned a carpet fitter and he told me the best place to go.
A local firm owned by a Hungarian lad.
Great service there at very good prices.
Just have to contact fitter now and he will do the rest.
Measuring, collection, fitting and disposing of old carpets.
The warehouse had lots of bits of carpet and roll ends etc outside for the public to help themselves. Free!
Great for the bottoms of cupboards and odd wee bits of floors etc.
I think we have a Carpet Right in town...somewhere.
I prefer to use the local companies if possible.
My car will have to wait until next week to be remedied.
Busy, busy, just now!

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1st March 2016, 12:44
Wow elle, I am taking my car for its first service since I bought it tomorrow as well! Fingers crossed.

When I used Carpetright, the fitters said the carpets themselves were excellent value but they thought the fitting overpriced. However, they were independent fitters so they might say that...

Your home sounds like it is getting a very serious makeover, rusty.
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1st March 2016, 13:16
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I think you are very lucky in having local reliable firms to carry out this and that, from what you have said.
The problem here is that, if you don't go with a well-known firm - or builder, electrician, plumber, what-have-you - you tend to discover that you have "been had" by "cowboys".
You either have to use a known reputable company/ individual workman - or go by personal recommendation from someone whom you can trust.
"Word of mouth" is good!
(No one gives anything away - bits of carpet can be 'bought' though!)
Are Maggie and the painter still with you?
Still raining very heavily.... I am considering abandoning this afternoon's walk........I can think of other things to do with the time, than get seriously wet through.....
(Sh! don't tell the dog!)

Hello, Ros!
That's quite a coincidence, both cars going in for an inspection on the same day!
Let's hope we are lucky and all is okay (or at least, only minimal adjustment needed )
I hope you don't have far to go to take the car in?
Our Volvo garage wants to keep the car for the day, so
getting home and back will prove a problem, as there is no direct public transport .
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1st March 2016, 13:28
Hello Everybody,

Elle, won't the Volvo garage provide you with some sort of a car while they are carrying out their check-up ?

Not wet yet here, still very cold (minus 3 last night with North-Westerly wind on top, thus felt more like minus 7 !)
Snow due during the nights towards end of week.

My English friends have all gone home and left me with an extra year to bear on my shoulders ! They arrived last Thursday, so it was a very long week-end celebration ! Very nice while it lasted but almost glad to get back to my normal peaceful routine - (When you live alone, you end up by being quite set in your ways).

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