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1st March 2016, 13:43
Hi elle
about half a mile, possibly. Easy enough to walk.

Yes, you should be provided with a car as pigale says.
6401 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2016, 16:30
Hello, Elle!
We do have reliable local firms, but like everywhere else, we have cowboys too.
"Word of mouth" is by far the best way to get a good tradesman. My painter put me on to the carpet fitter.
He is coming tomorrow to measure etc.
Painter going well. One room completely papered and the ceiling in another, and first coats of paint on skirtings, doors, etc.
Only slight problem is his taste in radio stations!
He has the local one on. All poppy music and ads, and quizzes a five year old would answer. That apart, all going like a well-oiled clock!
Another fine day up here!
6402 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2016, 19:39
Good evening, Rusty!
I wish we could have some of your good weather!
We did get a small "window" this afternoon when it stopped raining, so I changed my mind and decided to take out the dog after all!
Otherwise I haven't really done much of note......
I had a phone call from my daughter inviting us to lunch on Sunday as it will be Mother's Day!
That will be nice!
(I hadn't even realised it was this coming Sunday! I must buy a plant to take to the crematorium.)
I am getting fed up with cricket references occurring so frequently in the Times crosswords!
I think they are competing with the "Londonisms" for prominence!
Very annoying, as I know nothing whatsoever about cricket!
Your painter is a very good and quick worker!
6403 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2016, 21:17
Hello, Elle!
My "good weather"!
We have snow forecast, and you would be most welcome to it!
Very thoughtful of your daughter to invite you for lunch.
I wonder is there a Granddad's day?
You and me both with the cricket knowledge, and rugby.
My painter works very quickly.
An excellent tradesman.
Wincanton tomorrow!
Pacha and Vic are favourites to win with Paddy P.
And the World Track Cycling Championships start tomorrow, Anna Meares and all!
It is at Lea Valley. Near you?
I am looking forward to it!
6404 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2016, 10:08
Good morning, Rusty!
My day began with brilliant sunshine and blue skies - then halfway through the walk it poured with rain!
Now very black outside.......looking most ominous...........
I think there IS now a Grandparents' Day in the UK? although I have no idea when that is?
But there are cards for Grandmas and Granddads available for Mother's and Father's Days.
I am sure I will get some from my grandkids on Sunday!
Now........Lea Valley?
There is a district called Lea Valley near Enfield ( in the mythical Middlesex! or North London if you prefer)
Here there is a Lee (spelled differently) Valley Athletics Centre.
But in the East End of London, there is the Lee Valley VeloPark.
This, I assume, must be where the World Track Cycling Championships are taking place?
I hope you get the chance / time to watch it.
(Neither place though is any where near where I live !)
I didn't realise that Victoria was racing at Wincanton today!
Are you having a bet on her?
Fingers crossed for her...........

Hello, Pigale!
It is good that you had a great time with your friends! I expect the house will seem quiet once they have gone home.
But as you say, it is nice to get back into one's routine!
It' now wet and cold here.... I hope you are faring better?
6405 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2016, 11:15
Hello Elle,

Radical change in the weather overnight - mild and 'brightish' now; Still due to snow later this week !

What time are you taking your car to the garage? Are you going to ask them to provide you with some means of transport for a day?
Hope nothing is wrong with the Volvo.

Hi Rusty,

Your painter sounds as efficient as my plumber - I agree that it is good to use local firms whenever possible; Quite lucky around here, my husband was an architect and thus worked with all the different local building trade (small) companies - so I am spoiled for choice !
6406 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2016, 11:37
Good morning, Elle!
No snow!
Beautiful morning here, but hard frost earlier.
The seagulls and me had lovely weather at the skips this morning!
Yes, the cycling is at Lea Valley Velo Track.
On BBC Red Button and Eurosport.
I am looking forward to it!
The British riders prefer the track at Manchester, though.
Easier to control the humidity etc there.
No bet on Queen Vic!
Hope she goes close.
I will not see it. It is on Racing UK channel and I won't pay for that.

Good Morning, Pigale!
Yes, I like supporting our local tradesmen.
My painter has just told me he will be be finished a good bit earlier than he thought and will knock a sizeable sum off my bill. There are still the good guys out there!
6407 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2016, 12:34
Wow rusty, that is good. I once paid what i thought was a staggering price for a new cam belt on the car. the chap told me it had taken two hours less than he'd allowed but I had to pay for them anyway. He didn't even wash the car in that time (I never do this, either by hand or machine!)
6408 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2016, 13:13
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Still raining here! no sign of its being a fine day!
No car at the moment, so no walk this afternoon....I don't mind the additional mile or so to get to and from the park on a dry day, but I'm not plodding through a downpour to get there, and then do "the walk" on top of that!!
Very annoying again today.......yet another golf clue in the Times QC!
I have to work out the answers and then confirm the meaning in Chambers!
Getting tired of it!
I can now fully appreciate your complaining about "Londonisms" and "Cockneyisms"!
How is the cycling going?
And any news of Victoria? What time is her race?
I think the garage is going to phone when the car is ready for collection......
6409 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2016, 15:37
Hello, Elle!
Victoria won !!!
Pacha and Vic were very good at Wincanton and she has made a lot of progress. She won quite comfortably after making all the running.
I was able to watch it on Paddy Powers website.
Had to make a bet on the race to watch it.
So, it looks like Cheltenham is still on the cards!
Cycling is this evening.
How is your car?
All well, I imagine?
6410 of 30765  -   Report This Post