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3rd March 2016, 07:55
Good morning, Elle!
Congratulations on becoming a Gran again!
Well done to everyone!
A fine weight for the baby, too!
Isn't life wonderful!
Will you be visiting the new arrival today?
Great morning here!
Just awaiting the painter and Maggie.
Last day today!
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3rd March 2016, 08:28

Great news to start the day. No doubt the baby's brother will want to play with him very soon.....
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3rd March 2016, 08:46
Congratulations, Elle, to you and all the family.

You deserve this clue from yesterday's Times cryptic. I've no longer got my copy, but it was something like...

Instrument new parents like to say (4,5)
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3rd March 2016, 08:51
Good morning, Rusty!
Thank you!
Yes, we are all very excited!
I got a text from daughter very early this morning, telling us the good news.
Yes, baby is a good weight - not as heavy as anticipated but then he is a fortnight early!
We shall be unable to visit at the hospital as there is norovirus there - so the hospital is closed to all visitors.
I'm not sure whether this is to protect potential visitors or to prevent more people from bringing further infection onto the premises.
I would imagine the latter?
But our daughter and baby might be allowed home later in the day if all is well - so in that case we will be able to visit them at their home.
I do hope so - we are looking forward to seeing our new grandson and there is a very impatient young man here wanting to meet his new brother!
Hope the last day of decorating goes well!

Hello, Ros!
Great excitement all round!
"Older brother" had a good night's sleep though - he didn't awaken till nearly 8am!
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3rd March 2016, 08:57
Hello, Malone!
Thank you.
I'm tuned in to baby stuff at the grand?
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3rd March 2016, 08:59
Yes, 'Baby Grand' - perfect for you all today!
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3rd March 2016, 09:31
Very apt, Malone!
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3rd March 2016, 09:42
Elle, Congratulations indeed ! I am delighted both for you and the parents - not forgetting Big Brother.

Is he pleased to have a brother or did he prefer a sister? Probably does not care one way or another.

As Rusty said, a good size indeed, so perhaps just as well he did arrive two weeks early !

Hope you manage to see Mother and Child sometime today, but my goodness, they sure don't keep young mothers long in hospital these days !
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3rd March 2016, 09:48
Thank you, Pigale!
He wanted a brother!
I think the rush to get the mums and babies home is because of the norovirus? Otherwise it might have been tomorrow.
Must go and play ......!
6429 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2016, 15:57
Rusty, I need some sympathy - or a sympathiser! This is from today's Times Cryptic...

2. Impudence of author on the radio (5)

In what world, whose world, do these words sound the same?
6430 of 30765  -   Report This Post