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27th February 2016, 22:19
Well, ladies,
To me it is a puzzle.
If Humpty was an egg or a cannonball, what was he doing "sat on a wall"?
I always presumed he had climbed up on to it.
Can an egg climb walls.
Cannon balls could punch a hole in one.
The vinegar/bacteria theory makes good sense.
It is odd what gets into our/my head.
I saw the article in the Press about the poor goose who was shot and immediately thought of Aunt Rhody.
Now I can't get the song out of my head!
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27th February 2016, 22:36
Hi, Rusty!
According to some historians this is how the story goes.....
In 1648, the city of Colchester was under the control of the Royalists, who wished for King Charles I to be able to rule the country without Parliament.
In order to fortify the city against attack from the Parliamentarians (the group who supported Parliament and wished to oust Charles I), they erected several large cannons on the walls surrounding the city.
On June 15, 1648, the cannon referred to as “Humpty Dumpty” was positioned on the wall.
By this time, the Parliamentarians had surrounded and laid siege to the city, so Humpty was used to bombard the enemy and prevent a full-scale assault.
However, then a Parliamentarian cannonball blew apart the wall underneath Humpty Dumpty.
This collapsed the fortification and sent Humpty Dumpty tumbling to the ground.
This is where the king's men and the horses came I said previously!

Please don't go tell Aunt Rhody about the goose being shot......
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27th February 2016, 22:45
Hello, Elle,
I preferred Humpty when he was an egg.
I would say I would not be the only person in the country who thought of Aunt Rhody when they read about the poor goose being shot.
A terrible event in any case.
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27th February 2016, 22:58
Yes, Rusty, it was indeed a terrible thing to happen to the duck.
(although actually at the time of reading about it, I didn't think of Aunt Rhody!)
There is a huge reward out for information about the gunmen - and did you see the photograph of the telephone box with all the flowers left in memoriam - and the letters from children?
There is even a photo of the goose "helping" ducks to cross the road, by holding up the traffic.
How could anyone do such a senseless cruel thing?
It is a sad, sad, world in which we live!
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27th February 2016, 23:00
Sorry, senior moment typo ......... "to happen to the goose"!
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27th February 2016, 23:11
Hello, Elle!
A dreadful thing to happen.
Hope the culprits are found and put before the courts.
The Madeira folk have just landed at Edinburgh!
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27th February 2016, 23:17
Hi, Rusty!
It's good that they are back safely!
Does it take long to get from Edinburgh to home?
I expect that the girls will assure their dad that they "looked after" you very well - and will not even mention being locked out!
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28th February 2016, 07:35
Good morning, Elle!
Hard frost here.
We are roughly an hours drive North of Edinburgh Airport.
The girls were madly tidying up "before Mum gets home"!
The lock-out is a secret!
The girls and me coped fine and we were in constant communication. What did we ever do before mobile phones came along. Of course, the girls have never known life without mobiles, they are too young.
Going to have a quiet day.
Just some minor "slinging" to be done before Maggie and the painter come tomorrow!
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28th February 2016, 09:01
Good morning, Rusty!
We were supposed to have a "cold, bright, frosty start"!
Instead we have had a dull, somewhat miserable beginning to the day!
We haven't been out for a walk yet.
I made it as far as the garden with the dog!
A late start to my day!
No plans as yet....we shall play it as it comes.......
Just going to have a look at the Everyman.
I wonder if Lindsey will race today? I think she will be very foolish if she does?
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28th February 2016, 09:23
Hello, Elle!
Very cold here.
I have bought a Sunday paper, first in years.
The Scottish Herald. Heard good things about the journalism so I thought I'd give it a try.
The men are skiing now, but the women will be on a different mountain. Not sure if it will be televised.
Lindsey is the best ever woman Alpine skier, so I suppose she knows what she is doing. Her knee was wrapped in ice last night.
She treads a very, very, thin line between victory and disaster when she skis, and she will not change now!
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