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26th February 2016, 22:24
Elle, your parsing sounds very sound! I'll spare you any more of the clues,there was very little fun to be had.
6351 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2016, 08:23
Good morning, Elle!
Your parsing is perfect! "Our party" is "us".
From today's Times.
24, The standard of London theatre? (9) No idea!
I barely know the names of theatres in my own town, never mind a town hundreds of miles away, which Mr Rogan thinks is perfectly OK.
I have just had a quick peek at crossword, but will do it later today.
Busy, busy! Already been to shop, and going visiting soon, so shall miss the skiing.
I did not know about jigsaw cases?
Lovely morning here, but cold.

6352 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2016, 11:03
Good morning, Rusty!
Lovely morning here, too, but also very cold - and it was frosty earlier.
Apparently we are enduring a north-east wind!
I agree with you that that is a most unfair clue!
The answer is "Criterion".
This is a theatre on Piccadilly Circus.
(Maybe Mr R expects folk to resort to googling for a list of London theatres?)
Yes, you have been, and are going to be, busy this morning!
Are you recording the skiing to watch later in the day?
Btw, how is Victoria doing?
Enjoy your visit!
6353 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2016, 11:44
Hello, Elle!
Great day here, but cold.
Home for the day now.
I missed the skiing and I presume Victoria will be point to pointing this weekend.
Criterion is the name of a theatre, eh?
News to me, "benchmark" jumped into my head, fleetingly, but I am lost with London theatres. Bad enough with Tube stations.
What's next Mr Rogan? London ice cream shops?
Had a nice visit at my son's. They are busy packing.
Moving house on Monday.
Fine day for your walking!
6354 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2016, 11:50
Rusty, I'm with you on the Criterion clue/answer - far too London-centric!
I know you don't do the Jumbo Cryptic, but I liked one of today's clues...
30 A. As church member, no need to pay for the loo? (3,4)
6355 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2016, 12:24
Hi, Rusty!
I'm sure you will not be alone in not knowing of The Criterion!
There are very many theatres in London - hazarding a guess 30? 40? - of which I could only name about a dozen!
Which son is it that is moving house? I know they both live fairly close to you.
Will this make a difference to how often you are able to see him? - and the grandkids? - or are they staying within the locality?
I haven't had the chance yet to look at the Times Jumbo GK this morning.
I seem to have been very busy doing this, that and the other! (not a lot to show for my efforts though!)
But I saw the clue that Malone posted - no ideas other than there are a lot of "Free" churches? Probably nothing to do with it!
We are going out in another hour.......I hope the good weather holds out, it's clouding over rather ominously........
6356 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2016, 14:30
Malone, that's a cracker.
Wee Free.
Apparently the Wee Frees have a subsect (if there is such a word?) known as the Wee Wee Frees!
The Times was much better today, than yesterday's slog!
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27th February 2016, 14:39
Hello, Elle!
To be fair I have heard of a couple of London theatres.
Aldwych and Sadler's Wells. And the Palladium!
But that's my lot.
It is my oldest son (the Kent man) who is moving a bit closer to me. Just be a mile and a bit away.
Malone's clue is a good one.
But, easy enough for us up here.
Our friends South of the Border may struggle with it, though!
The Free Church of Scotland is known as the Wee Frees.
I think they broke away from the established Church of Scotland.
Still a fine cold day up here!
6358 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2016, 16:00
Hi, Rusty!
Still lovely out, but getting colder by the minute!
Enjoyable though.
Funnily enough, having got as far as "free" church, I nearly suggested "wee free" (!) but thought it sounded too rude - and Norah might ban me!
I didn't know of course that this was an official designation in Scotland!
It is good that your son is moving even closer to you!
Our new Tassimo coffee machine is playing up - I'm missing my cup of Americano! My husband is studying the Instruction section marked "Troubleshooting" as I type this!
You'll be missing your Sport? or is there something still on now?
I can't wait for the Athletics season to start in earnest - not all that long now......
I have my book to finish... and there is "The Voice" to watch tonight!
6359 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2016, 16:01
Rusty,glad you liked Wee Free- I thought it was terrific. I don't think the Criterion theatre is
... famous enough to be known by everyone.
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