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25th February 2016, 22:12
Hello, Elle!
The Hudl is giving up on me!
Getting slower and crankier by the day.
Miss ATW's iPad thingy is a lot faster than the Hudl and five years older.
My wardrobe, and Maggie and the painter, are taking priority though.
Yes, updates will often solve problems.
6331 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 09:11
Morning - and an early warning that our East End friend is back in today's Times cryptic crossword.

13 A. Cockney's welcome tip for military brass maybe (5).

Some clues, some crosswords, suit me more than others - I found today's well-nigh impenetrable!
6332 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 10:10
Good morning, Rusty!
Another lovely day! If it weren't for the low temperatures, I could believe Spring had arrived!
Late back from the walk this morning - met up with a friend and her two dogs.
She used to live here but now only visits occasionally. Good to catch up!
Any sign of your wardrobe yet?
Did they give you a "window" when it might be delivered?

Hello, Malone!
Now I think I have managed today's clue........although I was led astray initially by trying to use " 'int" (for cockney tip)!
(Strange that I found this reasonably simple but couldn't do "tree fern" yesterday!)
6333 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 10:36
Elle, I'm glad you found today's Times crossword reasonably simple. I enjoy the tussle with some setters, even if I have to work twice as hard to solve their puzzles.
6334 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 10:42
Oh, I've only done that one clue, Malone!
I don't have the 15x15 puzzle.
6335 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 11:03
Sorry for misunderstanding you, Elle. If you tackle the 15 x 15, let me know what your opinion is. Thanks.
6336 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 11:07
I don't have the paper, Malone.
I only receive the Times QC and the Times 2 as a friend sends me screen shots of those.
6337 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 11:26
Elle, sorry (again) - I forgot you don't get/do the Times Cryptic. There were several clues that I really struggled with. Here are two of them....

12 A. Attempt to deceive Poles that hurts career (4,3)
1 A, Celebrated with formal do after crashing our party (5-6).

6338 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 12:09
I've done 12A ........
Attempt to deceive = snow job (def)
SN - poles
ow - that hurts
job- career

Still struggling with 1A
I think it's an anagram of "formal do" with three more letters?
Will persevere........
6339 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th February 2016, 14:07
Elle, I think you got 'snow job' a lot quicker than I did.

You're almost there with 1 A - and the 'three more letters' are in the clue. 'Celebrated' is the definition.
6340 of 30765  -   Report This Post